Saturday Night Takeaway Finale 2024 (Part 2)

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Here we go part 2. Enjoy.
After Ant Vs Dec, Ant and Dec had to get changed and head back to the studio before the ad breaks ended. They said a quick goodbye to Stephen and Charlie, both hugging them.

Ant" Bye Stephen, Little D see you later"

Dec" Bye you two, love you"

Stephen" Awww that's nice, thanks Dec"

Dec" Not you"

Dec rolls his eyes pulling a cheeky face at Stephen. Charlie and Stephen watch as Ant and Dec race off towards the entrance of television centre.

Charlie" I don't know about you but I am still reeling from the excitement"

Stephen" Me too, I was so sure Ant had it in the bag after Dec missed twice"

Charlie" I was then I was happy dad won"

Stephen" I know, you did a celebration dance and fist bump like him, ooo a Donnelly dance"

Charlie" No let's not make that a thing"
The show was slowly coming to an end, they had had win the ads and the women who played, gambled and won everything, then there was singalong live where two people got it right and one person didn't but they gave him the money anyway. Girls Aloud, Kaiser Chiefs and Tony Hadley and Take That all sung. While Ant and Dec were doing singalong live, Charlie was backstage with Tom and Danny who were getting ready to do a song with Ant and Dec.

Charlie" Is this going to make me cry?"

Tom" It's most likely"

Danny" I think it's going to make everyone cry"

Charlie" I've already cried twice this evening, as a person with Autism I can't express how much I don't want this to end, so many memories in this show"

Tom" I know what you mean remember when we came on as McBusted and did the rock with McDonnelly"

Charlie" Oh my god, yes that was so much fun, can you believe that was over ten years ago"

Danny" Oh we had such fun didn't we, not just on this show but on tour"

Tom" And my vlogging"

Charlie" Oh the vlogging days, you don't do that anymore do you?"

Tom" With instagram stories and tik Tok, not much point really"

Charlie" Do you remember when James convinced me and Matt to jump off that really high stage and we all hurt our ankles"

Danny" And they got told off by the band manager because they had to dance that night"

Tom" Oh yeah, god he was mad wasn't he, I think he yelled the most at James"

Charlie" Yeah poor James bless him"

Tom" Then didn't he have a go at you for not stopping him"

Charlie" Yeah that's right, I was like I'm his girlfriend not his mother"

Danny and Tom who had been standing with their guitars around them had now sat in chairs, Charlie in the middle.

Charlie" Oh I meant to say I can't wait to watch you two on The Voice Kids, it's a first isn't it for two coaches at once, how does that work, do you sit on each others laps?"

Charlie smiles, laughing.

Tom" No we do get our own seats, it was so much fun to film, all those little kids that come on and they burst out with these big voices"

Danny" To be honest it made it more fun with Tom"

Tom" Awww thanks mate"

Danny" And how are you doing Charlie?"

Charlie" Yeah I'm good, sad at the moment because takeaway is ending but I'm excited for the end of the show show and that I get to spend it with my dad and Stephen"

Just then Stephen comes running in.

Stephen" There you are, been looking for you, producer wants to talk to us about the end of the show show and the lads want to talk to you guys"

He indicates towards Danny and Tom.

Danny" Okay, we are off, see you later Charlie"

Tom" Byeeeee!"

Stephen" They are in their dressing room!"

Stephen shouts after them as they run across the studio floor.
Stephen and Charlie were in their shared dressing room watching Tom and Danny doing a takeaway version of It's  All About You with Ant and Dec, the whole studio was quiet apart from them singing, then behind them, the screen filled with all the viewers from kids to adults all jumping about in their living rooms. They all held signs that said We love you guys, thanks for the laughs, you will be missed and all little drawings of hearts and Ant and Dec. It all became a bit much for Charlie and she started crying which alerted Stephen who had been sorting his bow tie, he rushed over and pulled into his arms.

Stephen" Oh Charlie, come here"

Stephen held Charlie as tight as he could, kissing her forehead, she pushes into his chest.

Stephen"You will have me going you will, come on don't cry"

Charlie" I don't want it to end Stephen, I love it so much"

Stephen" I know, I do too but all good things come to end don't they, here look"

Stephen broke the hug for a minute to get some tissues, he handed them to Charlie who wiped her eyes with them, still sniffling. Stephen keeps hold of her for a few more minutes until there is a knock on the door signalling and producer voice sounds saying they are almost ready for the end of the show show. Stephen takes Charlie's chin to look at her and then kisses her.

Stephen" Better?'

Charlie" Yeah, love you"

Stephen" I love you too"

They shared one last kiss before exiting their dressing room ready for Ant and Dec to come down the hall, it wasn't long before they did and Stephen and Charlie joined the procession and for a moment it all seemed like nothing else mattered in the world, just being with Stephen, Ant, her dad and all the takeaway fam, she wished she could just live in this moment forever. They charged down the hallways of Television Centre,Charlie clasping tight to Stephen's hand amongst all the takeaway giveaways dancers and all the other celebrities.

Reaching the outside it now slowly getting dark as it inched towards eight o clock, the whole atmosphere changed, Craig David still on the Decks, Girls Aloud on one stage, Take that and Kaiser chiefs on others and the same audience from earlier all cheering along. As Charlie hopped up on the stage with Stephen, it hit her suddenly that she realised she was so incredibly lucky to be apart of such an amazing experience with such terrific people, who loved her and cared so much for her. She exchanged looks with Stephen who smiled and she leant into his shoulder.

Could she just stay in this moment forever please?

Story Notes
So Charlie got emotional, good thing Stephen was there for her. And she also chats to Tom and Danny about old times.

Authors Notes
So Takeaway has come to an end, I actually felt a bit emotional writing this, I wish it didn't have to end but I understand the lads needing time to spend with their families. The amount of work that goes into takeaway is insane, it's a year round thing. I'm going to miss it so much as I expect all of you are . Let me know what you think of this, your comments and thoughts are always appreciated. Love you guys. Part three will be coming next week. Yes there will be a part three, it will mainly contain the last bit of the show, after party and pics and tweets.


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