A Mcpartlin for a while.

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Charlie was sat on her bed, she had been in her room for two hours, she had been arguing with her dad earlier, he said she wasn't allowed to go to a party but he wouldn't tell her why. She then hears her dad call her from downstairs.

Dec" Charlie, can you come down here please?"

Charlie then sighs as she pushes up from her bed and makes her way downstairs. Dec was sitting at the island with her tea.

Dec" Come sit with me please"

Charlie" Fine, I don't forgive you though"

Dec" I know"

Charlie sat down and sighed very heavily.

Dec" Look, I know you are a teenager and you are going to want to rebel, that is what teenagers do, I was the same but I need you to understand that I know what is best for you"

Charlie" Doesn't seem like you do, it just seems like you don't want me to have any fun"

Dec" That's not it at all, I need you to see that I will always do what is best for you and that I love you so very much"

Charlie" Yeah well I don't love you at the moment, you are being unfair I already get bullied because my dad is on tv, you would think it would make me popular but no it doesn't"

Dec sighs already getting frustrated.

Dec" Look I just need you to understand that when I say no, I mean no"

Charlie" Why, tell me why you don't want me to go, you won't tell me"

Dec" Because I said so, now go do your homework or something"

Charlie" No, I won't until you tell me why"

Dec then slams his mug down getting very frustrated.

Dec" Alright you want to know why I don't want you to go, I hate your new friends, I don't trust them and if the last few months are anything to go by"

Charlie" You want to stop me going out because you hate my friends"

Dec" Yes and I can because I am your father"

Charlie" Yeah well I wish I didn't have right now, they are a pain"

Dec" You don't mean that i know you don't"

Charlie" I do, if I didn't have one I could go to any parties I wanted"

Dec" Oh right and who would look after you, wash your clothes, look your meals and take you to school when you missed the bus, who would do all that"

Charlie" Ant would, he would let me go to a party or Stephen he loves me"

Dec then looks at his daughter now feeling incredibly hurt then he might have done something he regretted.

Dec" Why don't you go then, go see Ant or Stephen if I'm such a horrible dad"

Charlie" Fine, I will"

Charlie then stormed out after taking things, she slammed the door. She headed just next door and Ant opened the door was surprised to see Charlie.

Ant" Little D, what are you doing here?"

Charlie" I had a fight with dad, can I stay here?"

Ant" Of course, come in, come in"

Ant shut the door once Charlie was in. Ant had known Dec and Charlie to have fights before but it had never led to her coming around her, I mean when she was little she used to come over for sleepovers, he remembered those days, she was so cute always wanting being read Winnie the Pooh and always wanting to make cookies at Christmas and Easter biscuits at Easter then there was the Easter egg hunts and the mornings of Christmas Eve spent together. He came back to the present and looked at Charlie she was now sat in the living room. He sat down beside her.

Ant" Hey, so what has happened, I've always known you two to make up"

Charlie" Well this time I'm really angry with him, he doesn't know what it's like being the daughter to a famous presenter, it causes problems"

Ant" Oh Charlie, is this about school again?"

Charlie" Yes, he won't let me go to a party, he says that he doesn't trust my friends"

Ant agreed with Dec for a the past few months Charlie had made new friends but they didn't seem like friends they seemed to use her, she was like the punching bag, shame Charlie couldn't see it, though when you are young you want to fit in.

Ant" Look, your dad didn't mean you know he did, he is your father he just wants the best for you"

Charlie" That what he said"

Charlie sighed incredibly frustrated.

Charlie" I am not going back there I am too angry with him, I might just go to the party"

Ant" Charlie, look I could never live with myself if I let you go to the party and something happened to you, look why don't you just stay here, calm yourself down"

Charlie" You are the same as dad, I'm going to Stephen's"

Ant" No, look I'll tell you what, I'll talk to Dec see if he will let you go next time but for now stay here"

Ant could see Charlie thinking about it but then she makes a dash for the door, Ant just manages to grab her, Charlie of course isn't impressed with that and starts struggling and yelling. Ant holds her close comforting her.

Ant" Hey, it's okay, I've got you"

Charlie" Ant, get off me, get off me now!"

Ant" Shhhh, I got you, Uncle Ant has you"

After a much more shouting and struggling Charlie eventually calms down and goes still in Ant's arms.

Ant" There we go, look I know it's hard being a teenager, your dad does and Stephen does as well, we don't want to see you get drugged, drunk or hurt"

Charlie" I guess, I know that I just get annoyed at how protective dad is"

Ant" Well it makes sense seeing as he nearly lost you as a baby"

Charlie" What?"

Ant" Come on let's go sit down, I'll get us some Hot Chocolate with marshmallows and cream and syrup"

Charlie" Okay"

After Ant had made the hot chocolates they sat down and watched Harry Potter. After it finished Ant made sure Charlie was settled in her room before heading downstairs to phone Dec.


Ant" Hey man, don't worry she is okay"

Dec" I think it's one of the biggest fights we have ever had"

Ant" Hey, it's okay she is a teenager Dec it's what they do, she is okay, I talked to her and we watched Harry Potter, I think she is still mad at you but I will look after her"

Dec" Look listen is she wants to stay with you until she calms down I won't be okay with it but I know you will look after her"

Ant" Of course I will, listen anything she said I'm sure she didn't mean it"

Dec" I know"

Ant" It will be okay man, she will forgive you"

After the phonemail Ant sat down.

Think I might be a Mcpartlin for a while.

What but you are #TheDonnellyDaughter

What's happened, you can tell us fans.

Story Notes
So Charlie decides she will be a mcpartlin for a while after she fights with her dad.

Authors Notes
Let me know what you think of this. I love your comments they make my day all the time.

Question? Shall I do a chapter on The Queen and King Charles or just slot it in another chapter?


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