You've been missed

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After Stephen being busy for quite a while, Charlie couldn't wait to see him, she had rushed home and when she unlocked the door with her she shouted for Stephen.

Charlie" Pants off Stephen, I have missed you"

Charlie then enters the kitchen and sees her dad holding a cup and chatting to Stephen.

Charlie" Oh hey, dad"

It was quiet and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. All Charlie could think now was that her dad had heard ask Stephen to pull his pants off. Yeah this was awkward. Stephen then attempts to break the silence.

Stephen" So Dec is it nice to have the summer off?"

Dec" Always, I must admit I love working with Ant all the time but it's always nice to have time off especially now I've got little ones"

Charlie" That's why takeaway next year is going to be the last for a while"

Dec" Yeah, I also think we need time to think of new ideas, though we are going to go out with a huge bang though.

Charlie" Like you did the last time you rested it in 2009"

Dec" Yeah, blimey was it that long ago"

Charlie" I would have just been leaving school I would have been sixteen, now I'm thirty bloody hell"

Dec" I tell you when Ant and i get together to discuss ideas we would like you two to discuss them with us"

Stephen" Really, you really want my input"

Dec" Well, mainly Charlie's but you can be there too"

Stephen" Hey!"

Dec" You know I'm kidding"

Stephen" Of course mate, I do think fans out there think your guys actually hate me sometimes"

Dec" I don't doubt that, I like you Stephen even after I found out you was dating my daughter"

The tension gets awkward again. Charlie approaches Stephen and hugs him.

Charlie" But I love him so much and he takes care of me, that's what is important right dad?"

Dec" Of course it is, I would have Stephen with you over any of those other idiots you dated"

Charlie" Me too"

Stephen smiles and wraps his arms around her.

Stephen" I look after her, I mean look at us"

Both Charlie and Stephen smile all cute.

Dec" Yeah, yeah, look I should go, I only popped in for a cup of tea and a chat, look I'll text you and we can meet up just dad and daughter yeah"

Charlie" Yeah, I would like that"

Dec kissed his daughter on the cheek and then patted Stephen's shoulder.

Dec" Bye"

Stephen let Dec out and came back to the kitchen.

Stephen" Well that was awkward"

Charlie" Just a bit wasn't it, I didn't know he was going to be here, if I did i wouldn't have shouted that you get your trousers"

Stephen smirks.

Stephen" Come here you"

Stephen then picks Charlie up and shoves her on the counter and both of them start kissing. Stephen then picks Charlie up and they head upstairs. He lays Charlie on the bed and she smiles up at him. He starts to undo his shirt showing his bare chest which Charlie ran her fingers down, she ran her hands down his nipples and he shivered. She then places her hands on his chest and continues to kiss him, she moves her hands down his chest and starts to undo his jeans, she fiddles with the button and zip yanking them down to his ankles. Stephen blushes his ear tips going red.

Charlie" You are so cute when you blush"

Charlie pushes Stephen onto the bed and leans over him. He blushes again and leans back on the pillow content as Charlie pulls his boxers shorts off. He shifts and Charlie smiles before leaning down.

Authors Notes
Hey so sorry if this is a bit short. It's just so stifling hot where I am and I'm not sure what to do with myself. But I thought I would write a little something. I hope you like it, let me know in the comments.

TheDonnellyDaughter X

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