Decorating for Christmas

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Stephen stood threading tinsel through his fingers he was decorating the tree and most of the living room with Charlie. He looked at her she was so happy, she loved Christmas it was the only time her anxiety was at its lowest. He noticed a change in her when the weather got colder, she would be more happy and more way more involved with lots of things. Though he did wonder when she went to Oz as it was sweltering heat out there he thought she just liked to spend time with her family since she didn't live with them anymore.

Charlie" Stephen, look at this"

Stephen" What is it?"

Charlie" I found some stuff from when I was little, last year dad said I could have some so we put them on our tree"

Stephen takes one of the drawings and chuckles when he sees it.

Stephen" What is this, is it a horse?"

Charlie slaps him lightly.

Charlie" Rude that's a dog"

Stephen" Is it I can't tell"

He then turns it upside down making Charlie slap him lightly again.

Stephen" It's cute what else is there?"

Charlie" Oooo, look this is the Christmas tree I made when I was five, look at it blimey that's a lot of glitter"

Stephen" Holly would be proud"

Charlie" Yeah she would"

Stephen" Where shall we hang it?"

Charlie" Why don't we hang it on the side, like you can still see it but were can put the nicer decorations at the front"

Stephen" Okay, if that is what you want"

Charlie then begins searching the boxes and finds a christmas dog collar in with her things.

Charlie" Oh look it's one of Rocky's Christmas collars it must have got caught up in my things I should text dad see if he wants it back"

Stephen" Did you say collars as in more than one?"

Charlie" I did, he has about five I think"

Stephen" Dec probably won't miss it then"

Charlie" No suppose you are right, I might still text him though, do you ever think about getting a dog"

Stephen" Sometimes but you got to think about who would look after it, I am always busy and so are you"

Charlie" I know that's the problem I would love a dog, granted I never had a dog growing up but everyone always had dogs, plus when I go round to dad and Ali's he is always surprised to see me"

Stephen" We could think about it"

Charlie" Thanks Stephen" 

Stephen fishes in the box for more decorations and pulls out a bauble photo frame decoration and its of both of them wrapped in hats, gloves and scarves holding hot chocolate while Stephen kisses Charlie's cheek.

Charlie" Aww, that was great day, I was so happy and surprised when you said we were going to Switzerland for our first year anniversary"

Stephen" Yeah, we had to have covid checks but apart from that it was worth it"

Charlie" Hey, remember when both of us tried to ski but ended up making snow angels because we were so crap at it"

Stephen" Oh yeah, that was fun, I can't believe this year we have been together two years doesn't seem possible"

Charlie" What?"

Stephen" I mean time has gone quick, it was like 2020 didn't exist and 2021 was bit of a funny year as well"

Charlie" Yeah I suppose you are right but again getting something special out f lockdown makes me appreciate in a way"

Stephen" Me too"

Both kiss and then sort through more boxes.

After an hour they finished the tree and looked back at it.

Charlie" Doesn't it look beautiful"

Stephen" Just like you"

Charlie" Stephen"

Stephen" What you are"

Charlie" I'm glad we went with one with lights already all the trouble it caused us before"

Stephen" I know what you mean, you spend longer putting up the lights than you do the bloody tree"

Charlie then leans into Stephen and he wraps his arms around her and kisses her head.

Don't miss my boyfriend @StephenMulhern on this Christmas with @Catchphrase #Inforapenny

Don't miss my girlfriend on the telly with me as we host The Magicians BGT Special #BGT @BGT

Authors Notes
Yeah sorry this is short. Hope you like though. I don't feel I do enough Stephen and Charlie chapters.



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