Its a Girl (1992)

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Dec stood in the hospital, his girlfriend Clare had just given birth and it was a baby girl. He was currently holding her as Clare laid back having a rest, they had actually both been surprised since she was meant to be born in January but she had decided to come in December. It was five days till Christmas and Dec felt like he had got the best Christmas presents ever already, he didn't need anything else, he had a baby girl and that's all he wanted in life and his girlfriend.

Dec" Isn't she beautiful"

Clare" She is, got your eyes Deccy, she look more like you than me"

Dec" She looks like you as well"

Clare" No she is all you, definitely"

Dec then sits on the bed next to Clare and he kisses her.

Dec" I love you"

Clare" I love you too"

Dec" Here take her, I'll go get the family"

Dec hands her to Clare and she stares at her. She thought she couldn't be anymore beautiful. When Dec comes back all their family pour in, most were coming on different days since they had a very big family. Dec's mum come in along with Ant and they both smiled when they saw her wrapped in a pink blanket.

Ant" Awww, it's a girl, awww bless her"

Anne"You wanted a girl Deccy?"

Dec" I did, so very much"

Dec reaches to take her from Clare and holds her tight. He kisses her tiny forehead.

Dec" Oh my baby girl you are going to be so protected, so cared for, daddy will do anything for you"

Ant then comes over and smiles, he holds out his finger and she wraps hers around his.

Dec" Do you want to hold her?"

Ant" Of course I do man, give her here"

Dec hands her over and Ant takes the title bundle in his arms and strokes her face.

Ant" Wow, Uncle Ant loves you, you beautiful little thing, oh don't you look like your daddy"

Dec" Clare said that didn't you love"

Clare" She does Deccy, so much like you"

Ant" I just want you to know man, I will be there for you every step of the way, I'll help you raise her while sill being the fun Uncle Ant"

Dec" I know you will mate, I couldn't ask for a better best friend"

Anne comes over to join them and Dec hugs his mother. At first him and Clare didn't know whether they wanted to keep the baby, they both so young and didn't know a thing about babies, in fact they were still young themselves. Then they decided that they wanted to give this baby a life, she may have been the product of a mistake but they didn't want her to be that, they wanted her to their baby girl so that's what they did. As Dec stared into the eyes of his daughter he just couldn't believe how lucky he was, how he had been blessed with a healthy, happy daughter. He hands his mother her granddaughter and she smiles at her.

Anne" Hello, aren't you the cutest, I'm your grandmother, oh you are going to be so spoilt, got your eyes Deccy if anything"

Dec" She is so beautiful, beautiful than anything in this entire world"

They hand her back to Clare and Dec wraps himself around his mother.

Later on Phil, Holly and Stephen had arrived and Holly couldn't wait for a cuddle. Clare handed her to Holly and she waist her element.

Stephen" Congrats man, so happy for you"

Dec" Thanks, yeah we are so happy"

Phil" Awww, look at her, she loves Holly"

They all look at Holly making faces, smiling at her and giving her kisses.

Phil" Congrats to you both, have you thought of names yet?"

Dec" No we never came to the decision on names, I think if she had been a boy we was going to call her Niall but never really settled on a girl name"

Holly" What about Clare?"

Clare" No that's going to be her middle name, how about Holly?"

Holly" Aww, I'm flattered"

Phil" Molly?"

Dec" I don't know it just doesn't feel right does it Clare?"

Clare" No, I can't believe we didn't think of this"

Stephen" What about Charlie?"

Dec and Clare stopped for a second.

Dec" Charlie, I like that name, what do you think love?"

Clare" Yeah, Charlie Clare Donnelly, its perfect Stephen"

Phil" So you only went for one last name then?"

Clare" Yeah was Deccy's idea, we decided that she takes my name in the middle"

Anne arrives back with multiple coffees, she hands one to Ant, her son and puts one of the beside table for Clare.

Clare" Thanks Anne, we have a name for her"

Anne" Oh what is it, tell me"

Dec" Charlie"

Anne" Charlie, I love that, who came up with that?"

Stephen" Me"

Anne" It's perfect, our little Charlie, who knows who and what you will grow up to be"

Stephen" Can I hold her?"

Dec" Of course, here you are be careful with her"

Stephen" Of course"

Stephen takes hold of her and she grips his finger tightly, she looks up at him and he smiles, she smiles back. She then falls asleep in his arms.

Stephen" She's fallen asleep in my arms"

They all look at Dec smiles.

Dec" She looks very content with you Stephen, she is going to love you, all of you"

News Article
Byker Grove star and one half of Pj and Duncan, Declan Donnelly was with girlfriend Clare Buckfield when she gave birth to baby girl on Saturday 20th December 1992. The couple are very happy and have confirmed the baby girl is called Charlie. We send all our love to the couple.

Authors Notes
So I decided that I have done Isla and Jack so why not do Charlie. In real life I was born a month early, plus my parents thought I was going to be a boy. The only thing that isn't true is the name Niall. I was to be called Billy if I was a boy. I hope you enjoyed, let me know down below.

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