Ant Vs Dec (2024)

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Enjoy! I had fun writing this. Though Takeaway YouTube don't seem to post Ant Vs Dec anymore. I have no idea why. So I had to freestyle it.

Charlie was running late for takeaway rehearsals she had been out on a little walk to clear her head, she needed to do that every now and then, getting out in nature she knew from this morning did wonders for your mental health. She was now running late though for meeting her dad, Ant and Stephen when she arrived at the studio she messaged her dad and he texted back they were in Dec's dressing room. She hurried along and when she got there she knocked and Dec opened the door.

Dec" Hello come in"

Ant" Hey Little D, you ready for tonight, I'm so going to beat Dec at Ant VS Dec"

Dec" In your dreams McPartlin, I'm going to make it a hat trick this year"

Ant" Yeah right Donnelly"

Charlie" I'm nervous about Ant Vs Dec tonight"

Dec" What are you nervous about, you haven't got to do it"

Charlie" I know but I worry for you dad"

Dec" I will be okay, I'm a big boy and I will have a harness on"

Charlie" I get nervous remember that time that guy came on BGT and threw a knife at you"

Dec" I must admit that was definitely one of the worst moments I've had on the show"

Charlie hugs Dec and he wraps his arms around her neck.

Dec" Don't you worry about me I will be fine"

Ant" Awww Little D"

Charlie sits next to Stephen and they both give each other a kiss.

Charlie" Right where shall we start?

Later on it was two hours till they went live and the green room was filled with a hive of activity. Ant and Dec rehearsing last minute bits, scripts in their hands and looking at wardrobe outfits. Meanwhile Stephen and Charlie were outside looking up at the two huge towers one red and one blue.

Charlie" I can't believe how high this is and they are going to be lifted up"

Stephen" Everything is going to be okay, no one is going to let anything happen"

Charlie leans into Stephen and he kisses her forehead. The producer then comes over and tells them what they are going to do.

Producer" When you are finished here, they want you in makeup Stephen to start on your, well makeup"

All three laugh and the producer starts talking to some of the first aid men which made Charlie even more nervous. Stephen notices this.

Stephen" Come on let's go inside"

Stephen had decided to dress up as he always did and Charlie didn't, she had never been a fan of dressing up even on BGMT, she decided to leave that to Stephen.

The make up artists started dressing Stephen up and when they were finished Charlie looked at Stephen.

Charlie" Oh, no I don't like that"

Stephen advances towards her.

Charlie" No, no"

Stephen" Hey, it's still me, you know that right"

Charlie" I know it's just strange"

Jess who had been working with the takeaway family for years placed her hands on Charlie's shoulders.

Jess" I've never been a fan of costumes either Charlie"

Charlie" I remember when dad took me to Disneyland when we come into more money and I just cried at all the characters, rides were fun though and being treated in the gift shop"

Stephen" Dec would buy out the whole Disneyland for you"

Charlie" And Little Isla and Jack don't forget them"

Stephen" Of course

Charlie" I still love you just don't come too close it's weird"

Stephen chuckles.

Stephen" Okay, alright"

That evening when it was time to for them both to come out, Stephen smiles at Charlie even though she is still freaked out by him. They come out and all the audience are cheering for them. Ant and Dec's faces are a picture and as Stephen and Charlie approach them they start laughing.

Ant" Well"

Dec" What do you think Charlie?"

Stephen" She doesn't like it"

Ant" Little D's not a fan of most costumes are you?"

Charlie" No, it's weird, I know it's still Stephen in there but its like it's not"

The audience chuckles and Dec puts his hand on her shoulder.

After the break Ant,Dec, Charlie and Stephen are standing outside by the two towers ready to do Ant VS Dec. Both of them harnessed up and ready. They both get up on the towers.

Stephen" Ready lads"

Ant" Ready as I'll ever be Stephen"

Dec" I've got to be haven't I"

The towers start lifting and swinging before they are stopped and whoever gets to the top wins, there is a button that they have to press. As Clive commentates in between Stephen and Charlie shout encouraging comments from the bottom while missing balls.

Ant is the one who manages to get the most balls down and smash his button first. Dec follows shortly after and presses his buzzer. After they are lowered back down to the ground and helped out of their harnesses.

Stephen" So the winner of this round is Ant"

He lifts his hand up and Ant cheers. Dec shakes his head and stands by Charlie. Stephen and Charlie stood the same way as the lads. Charlie on Dec's side, Stephen on Ant's. When they flip to Andi for the competition he is by the camper van they are going to give away and the lads run in and hop in it, shutting the door. Andi laughs as he continues with the link, he is about to finish when Charlie hops in the shot.

Charlie" Here are all the details"

Andi" Hey that my line"

Dec" That's my girl!"

Authors Notes:
So let me know what you think below, I really hope you like. If you could vote and comment that would be amazing!

Question? What did you think of Ant Vs Dec. Are you Team Ant or Team Dec?

Love yah guys!
TheDonnellyDaughter X

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