It's A Boy (2024) (Ant)

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Charlie and Stephen were laying in bed that morning, Charlie on her phone and Stephen replying to Max Magic emails on his phone, Charlie was the one who received the text first and she slapped Stephen so hard he almost dropped his laptop over the bed. Stephen rubs his arm in pain.

Stephen" Ow, Charlie what was that for?"

Charlie" Ant and Anne Marie are parents, dad just texted"

Charlie showed Stephen the picture that had been sent by Dec.

Stephen" Awww, look at him, he is so adorable"

Charlie" Awww, I bet Ant is over the moon right now, swelling with love, Dad always tells me he had never felt so much love as he did when I was born"

Stephen" Awww, I can't wait to the meet the little fella"

Charlie" Me neither, look at his little nose and those little feet"

Stephen sets his laptop aside, taking a break from answering emails. He leant into Charlie and kisses her cheek.

Charlie" What do you want?"

Stephen knew the subject he was about to broach was going to be sensitive.

Stephen" Do you think we will ever have kids?"

Charlie went quiet for a bit and Stephen suggests whether he should have brought the subject up.

Charlie" I don't know, I just kids are cute and all but I'm not even sure I want to be a mum, I know you've said I would make a great one and I know you would make a great dad, I just don't know, do you want kids?"

Stephen" I don't know I think about it sometimes, the only thing is I know that I work a lot so I wouldn't be around much like you"

Charlie" I get what you mean, you do work a lot and with the release of your third book Max Magic it's been even more busy"

Stephen" Listen if we are going to have kids, it will be a group decision I don't want to pressure you into anything"

Charlie" Thanks Stephen"

They laid in bed for a bit longer until Charlie picked up her phone and it was Dec.

Hey Charlie, I am going to head to the hospital to see the baby, do you and Stephen want to come.

Stephen" Who is it?"

Charlie" Dad, asking us if we want to go see Ant and Anne Marie's baby"

Stephen" Do you, because I know I do"

Charlie" I do, come on let's have a shower, breakfast then head out"

Stephen smiled and both headed to the bathroom to have a shower.

Once showered and fed both headed to the hospital after stopping off for a costa as the hospital hot drinks were usually terrible. Stephen and Charlie strolled down the corridors until they reached the maternity ward and waiting in the waiting room was Dec, Ant's sisters, Christine and Anne Marie's family. Charlie rushed over to her dad a hugged him, he was smiling so hard.

Charlie" I can't believe it, Ant sent me a photo, he is so adorable"

Dec" He sent me one as well, I can't wait to get in there"

Charlie" I'm so happy Ant's finally a dad, I know he has wanted this for so long"

Stephen takes a seat next to the other side of Dec.

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