Its A Girl (1992) (Dec)

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Declan Donnelly stood in the hospital waiting room, he couldn't believe he was going to be dad, he remembered that day a week ago when he had broken the news to his mum and dad. He breathed in slight breaths.

-A week ago-

Dec pushed himself through the front door and was trying to prepare to tell his parents he was going to be a dad. This wasn't going to go well, he was only seventeen and right now with SMTV ending, him and Ant didn't know where they were going to go with their future, were they going to stay in telly or were they going to join the work a day world. He breathes one more time before stepping into the kitchen, all his siblings were there as well as his mam, his dad was out.

Dec" Mum"

His mam looked around from the washing up.

Anne" Yes Declan, what is it?"

Dec realised that he now he had to actually tell her.

Dec" I need to talk to you..Alone"

Anne" Oh alright, okay, come on you lot out"

His mam shooed all his siblings out, Dec was the youngest and smallest of all his siblings and he was often treated like the baby and the one who could do no wrong. Once all his siblings had disappeared, his mam shut the door and they both sat around the dining room table.

Anne" Right Declan, you have our full attention, go ahead"

Dec was terrified to tell his mum and the anxious feeling in his stomach had only gotten worse. He took a deep breathe and then revealed what he had been holding since he pulled up at the house.

Dec" Claire's pregnant"

His mam and Dec sat there for a bit obviously trying to process what her youngest had just said.

Anne" I'm sorry, I thought you just said Claire was pregnant"

Dec" I did, she has been for eight months"

Anne" Eight months and you have only just told us now"

Dec" I was too scared to, every time I tried I just couldn't do it, Claire finally told me that I had to tell you guys, it was a bit hard for Claire to keep it a secret"

Anne" Declan, I can't believe you, I always thought you would be the one out of all my children to not do anything like this, you are seventeen Declan, seventeen, what were you thinking, you weren't thinking was you?"

Dec" I guess not, I'm sorry Mam"

Anne" There is no good saying sorry to me, there is no need to say sorry to me"

Declan sits at the dining room table, his hands in his lap now. Anne comes around to his side.

Anne" Look, I am not happy with this in fact I'm furious with you but we have to think of this baby, I take you are keeping it she is eight months pregnant"

Dec" Yeah we want to keep it, we decided at the start we wanted to keep it"

Anne" Then I am going to be with you, we all are and if you are going to keep this baby, we have to think about it"

Dec" Thanks Mam"

Anne hugs her son, she couldn't believe he had gotten himself into this mess, not only that he had kept it from her for eight months, it all made sense now why Claire hadn't been coming around the house, she thought they had broken up at one point, Dec never talked about her at home, so she just assumed she had broken up with her. It all clicked into place.

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