Christmas Day

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Charlie was just grabbing presents from the top of the wardrobe when Stephen came in.

Stephen" What are you doing?"

Charlie" Getting presents down what does it look like?"

Stephen" Ask a silly question"

Charlie" Here, can you take these for me, I just need some help"

Stephen" Of course"

Stephen takes the presents from Charlie and they just kept coming.

Stephen" Blimey you got a lot"

Charlie" I know I might have gone a bit mad but I do love spoiling people, I think it's because when Dad was first trying to break into the telly we didn't have a lot so yeah I think that's it, plus I now have a little brother and sister to spoil though Jack is probably do young to know what Christmas is"

Stephen" Awwww, aren't you just amazing, I'm so happy I am marrying you"

Charlie" I am too, though to be honest I haven't even thought about a date"

Stephen" Yeah we can worry about that after Christmas or something"

Charlie" Thanks for helping me with the presents"

Stephen" That's okay, anything for you"

Charlie then pulls him close and plants a hard kiss on his lips which Stephen stroke her face.

Stephen" Does these buttons undo"

Charlie" They might do"

Stephen" Do we have time?"

Charlie" Depends how long we are going to be"

Both smirk at each other. Charlie pushes Stephen on the bed and starts to undo his the button on his trousers while he undo her shirt, they keep kissing.

Due to a change of plans with Stephen's parents, he was now going with Charlie. Dec and Ali said he was more than welcome.

Later on both arrive at Dec and Ali's and Charlie knocks on the door with Stephen, holding biscuits and some bucks fizz in his arms. Ali opens the door and smiles, hugging them both.

Ali" Hey, come in, come in, we are in the living room Isla is excited to open presents"

Charlie" Awww, well could you give me a hand with the presents"

Ali" Sure"

While the girls leave, shutting the door Stephen ventures into the living room. Dec looks up and smiles, he is holding Jack.

Dec" Hey, Stephen Merry Christmas!"

Stephen" Merry Christmas Dec, hello little man, are you sure it was okay for me to come"

Dec" Of course Stephen, I couldn't invite my daughter and not you, come sit down"

Stephen hands the bucks fizz over and the biscuits.

Dec" Oh more biscuits, Ali hasn't brought enough of them"

Both men chuckle and Dec disappears into the kitchen leaving Stephen with Jack. It was another moment where he thought what it would be like to have a kid of his own. Ali and Charlie come back with the presents and sat them in the living room. Dec came back and his eyes enlarged.

Dec" Blimey you got enough"

Charlie" Well we do have a huge family, when is everyone else coming?"

Dec" 11:00 I think be nice to spend Christmas with everyone this year has definitely been crazy"

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