Excited for the finale

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Charlie"How is it the finale of Saturday Night Takeaway tonight, everything goes to quick"

Charlie was sat on the wall with her dad and Ant, they had just finished an interview on This Morning and were watching all the crew get tomorrow's show ready.

Charlie" I won't lie, you got to admire, the show wouldn't function without them would it"

Ant" You are right, Little D, you sure you can't tell us what you and Stephen have got planned for us"

Charlie" Sorry my lips are sealed, I've been sworn to secrecy, I can't let the cat out of the bag"

Dec" Yeah okay, we get it, we get it, keep your own dad in the dark"


Charlie hopped off the wall and approached Alison and Dermot who were just wrapping the last show of the week and the last show for half term.

Alison" Hey Charlie"

Dermott" CHARLIE!"

Dermott runs at Charlie like Sam does and hugs her. He wraps his arms around her and Charlie smiles hugging him hard.

Charlie" Hey Dermott,good show?"

Dermott"Yeah great show today, won't be on till next Friday though but it's been a good two weeks"

Charlie" What about you Al?"

Alison" Yeah it's been a good week, it's always a good one with this one"

Dermott" Aww thanks Al"

Charlie then notices Buddy, they had adopted a dog to help children with autism. She picks him up after being told she could by the trainer and she cuddles him.

Charlie"Hello Buddy, the last time I saw you, takeaway was starting, you are so cute aren't you"

Buddy gives her a kiss wriggling in her arms.

Alison" I'll tell you I'm so excited for the show tomorrow"

Charlie"I know to be honest I am a mixture of excitement and nervousness, I am nervous about Ant Vs Dec and excited for the rest of the show"

Dermott" Ooo can you tell us what is going to happen on Ant Vs Dec tomorrow"

Ant" Don't bother, we already tried"

Ant and Dec had now come over and Ant joined Charlie with buddy, she handed him to him and Buddy immediately starts kissing Ant.

Ant" Hello buddy, you are so so cute aren't you, yes you are"

Dec" She wouldn't even tell her own dad"

Charlie" If you are trying to guilt tripping me into telling, it's not going to work, so save your breath"

Dec puts his hands up in mock surrender.

Dec" Hey, alright, I will stop asking"

Dermott has now joined Ant with Buddy and both a nuzzling him. Dec put his arms around Charlie and she holds arms.

Alison" Where is Stephen, you two are usually inseparable"

Charlie" Oh yeah he is a bit tied up with other work projects but I'm meeting him later,we are going to go over what we have in store for Ant Vs Dec, oh it's exciting"

Charlie breaks from her father's arms and jumps up and down. Charlie who wholly approved with the autism dog as she had Autism herself, she got extremely excited for things, didn't like change and hated new situations. It had been a struggle in what she done but she had really tried, it helped she had a whole family behind her. As she jumped about in excitement, Dermott and Ant got involved as well.

Alison" Wait"

All three stopped wondering what had happened.

Alison" I'll take buddy"

Dermott hands Buddy over into Alison arms.

Alison" Okay, go on then"

All three start dancing and cheering holding each other which makes Alison and Dec laugh.

Authors Notes
I hope you enjoy this, I know it's short. Who's excited but excited for the finale tonight! TWO HOURS! Ahhhhh! Votes and comments are very much appreciated!
Love you guys.

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