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Okay so this was supposed to go up yesterday I actually posted the chapters the wrong way round. I you hope enjoy anyway.

Rating: PG13
Mentions of: Toys

It was a Sunday, a day when most people relaxed and took it easy after working all week. Charlie stood in the kitchen emptying the dishwasher, she was still in her pjs and was still quite tired. She hears Stephen come in, he always made a lot of noise when entering anywhere. She looked around and he was rubbing sleep from his eyes while wearing only boxer shorts.

Charlie" Morning"

Stephen" Morning, I'm very tired this morning, have to say I'm quite weak at the knees"

Charlie" You are so easy to manipulate that's why"

Stephen blushes a light pink as he reaches over to make the coffee while he was waiting for the kettle to boil, Charlie came over and pushes her hand on his bare chest, she then kisses him biting his lip.

Stephen" You are so naughty you know that"

Charlie" I know you love me for it though right?"

Stephen" Of course I do"

He kisses her back and then he whimpers as Charlie runs a finger of the top fabric of his boxer shorts. She then pulls away just as the kettle boils.

Stephen" Tease"

Charlie sticks her tongue out. As Stephen pours the tea he leans against the dishwasher.

Stephen" Valentines Day soon, what would you like, chocolate, flowers, candles, bath salts..., um those things I have lots of"

Charlie" Toys you mean, you can say it Stephen"

Stephen" It just makes me feel awkward when I say it "

Charlie" Only because you have more of than me"

Stephen blushes a light red.

Stephen" It kind of happens when you are the submissive one"

Charlie presses her right hand to Stephen's chest and her fingers slightly graze his nipples. Both of them jump when the doorbell rings.

Charlie" I'll get it"

Stephen hears voices and then realises who it is as he hurriedly grabs a shirt and trousers from the dryer in the corner, trying to put them on as fast as humanely possible. He finished just as Ant and Dec entered the kitchen.

Stephen" Hi fella's"

Dec" Hey Stevie"

Ant" Nonsense"

Stephen" What brings you two here"

Charlie comes back over to Stephen and he wraps his arms around her.

Dec" Ant and I wanted to see if you wanted to come to BGT Auditions in the week"

Charlie" Oooo, I would love that, what do you reckon Stephen?"

Stephen" I do actually have stuff to do this week for shows of mine but you can go"

Charlie" Okay, I'll be there"

Ant" Nice one little D"

Charlie" Tell you what, why don't we go into the living room and Stephen can make us all all a tea"

Stephen" Of course, I'll bring some biscuits as well"

Ant,Dec and Charlie head into the living room and sit down.

Ant" I see you got him well trained Little D"

Charlie" Oh yeah, he's my good boy he is"

Dec's faces switches.

Charlie" Anyway, have you pressed your golden buzzer yet?"

Ant" Not quite yet"

Dec" We can't tell you even if we had"

Charlie" Oh come on I won't tell anyone not even Stephen"

Stephen at that moment chooses to come in with two teas and biscuits.

Stephen" Not tell me what?"

Charlie" If Ant and Dad pressed their golden buzzer"

Stephen" I wouldn't tell anyone"

Ant" We still wouldn't tell you"

Stephen" How come Charlie and I never got a golden buzzer it looks like so much fun"

Charlie" It's true, we didn't get a golden buzzer and then last year the judges got two"

Dec" And this year,we did wonder if they were going to do it again, Bruno's already pressed his twice"

Charlie" Of course he has"

Charlie was sitting close to Stephen and he had his arm around her.

Charlie" How's Ali, Isla and Jack?"

Dec" Oh yeah, they are great, Ali and I have been busy with them, well Ali has I've been at auditions most days, Isla misses you"

Charlie" I miss her too perhaps Stephen and I can pop round one day, I want to see her and my adorable little brother"

Dec" I'll tell that, she will be very excited, she had a tantrum the other day because she didn't want to eat her peas, I remember someone else who did that"

Charlie" Oh yeah, I had tantrums for all sorts of things didn't I"

Dec" You did, things like couldn't have a toy or didn't want to go to the dentist or didn't want to eat your vegetables"

Charlie" Those were the days"

Dec" If you say so"

Ant" I remember those days, remember when you left your lego all over the floor and Dec stepped on a piece"

Dec" Oh yeah, that bloody hurt, that an plugs, there is nothing worse than that"

Ant" Do you mind if I use your bathroom"

Charlie" No, you don't need to ask Ant, go"

Ant heads upstairs their voices going quiet. He heads into the bathroom and when he is done he washes his hands, looking at the electric toothbrushes sat in a little tray next to toothpaste and assorted gels and hand cream. After three years of Stephen and Charlie being together he still couldn't quite believe it.

He exited the bathroom and he could hear Charlie, Stephen and Dec still talking,he hesitated at the top of the stairs then noticed Charlie and Stephen's bedroom door open. He knew he shouldn't but with his ADHD Ant often got hyperactive and would probably do things he shouldn't.

He poked his head in and saw that the bed was still a mess and he could see who had what side of the bed from the tables. Stephen's had reading glasses, a book and a light and Charlie's had her iPad, a book, notebook, pen and a light. He decided to not venture any further and He headed back downstairs. Dec was just heading for the door.

Dec" Oh Ant, there you are I've got to shoot off, Ali needs me you coming?"

Ant" Yeah, I better get back, bye Little D, Stephen"

Charlie" Bye Ant"

Stephen" See yah Ant, Dec"

Charlie" Bye dad"

Charlie hugs Dec hard and he kisses her before leaving. Once they were gone, Charlie looks at Stephen.

Stephen" I'll go tidy up okay"

Charlie" That's my good boy"

Authors Notes
I hope you guys still enjoyed this even though it was meant to be up yesterday. Let me know what you think?

TheDonnellyDaughter X

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