Dancing on Ice day

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The next morning Charlie woke up feeling incredibly excited for Dancing on Ice tonight, she was definitely going to be there for Stephen. I mean why wouldn't she be, she knew he was excited to. It had been such a crazy year last year and for Stephen to hear he would be hosting Dancing on Ice was a great news for him.

Charlie hopped up and out of bed careful not to wake Stephen who was currently laying on his belly with half the duvet over him, his grey boxers peeked out. She smiled as she covered him back over. She decided to let him sleep more while she headed downstairs for her morning tea. She flipped the switch on the kettle after filling it up and it began to boil. While she waited she flicked through her socials. She had tried to reduce her time on twitter or X as it was now called as it had become so toxic, it wasn't the place it used to be. There was a whole stream of comments about Limitless Win and whether she knew anything about it before it aired.

@CharlieDonnellly Do you know anything about the show #LimitlessWin before it airs?

@CharlieDonnelly olivialmround
Sometimes, I'm always sworn to secrecy though and told not to tell Stephen. X

She flipped off X and onto Insta where she had recently posted a pic of her and Stephen when they were on holiday last year, Stephen was doing shows at butlins so he was all smartly dressed, where as Charlie was in shorts and a T-shirt. She smiled as she had her arm slung over Stephen's shoulders, both looked pleasantly happy even though the temperature had been unbearable that year. Over 30k people had liked it, Charlie knew she also had some of dad and Ant's followers. Skimming the comments she smiled.

So adorable, you two are couple goals!

You two make me smile all the time.

You two look so tanned!

Lol, more like burnt we both forgot our sun cream that day.

As the kettle finishes boiling Charlie pulls one of her favourite mugs down from the shelf, when she says one of her favourite, she means out of the forty three she has. Yep, forty three, she might be a tiny bit obsessed with mugs. She pulls down her BGT mug which has her name on it, she misses though BGMT days. She misses racing around the studio on scooters because they were doing a link, getting told off by Stephen for laughing too much, playing silly games with her dad and Ant and mainly just appreciating the atmosphere of where she was.

She is pouring her tea in its mug when Stephen wonders into the kitchen, sleep in his eyes and still in grey boxer shorts.

Charlie" Morning, want a tea?"

Stephen" Yes please"

While Charlie pulls it in comes up behind her and kisses her neck again.

Charlie" Stephen, get off you have already given me a love bite"

Stephen" Have I, oops"

Charlie" Yeah oops, I meant to be seeing dad today, I will have to cover it up with makeup"

Stephen" You never know he might not even say anything"

Charlie" Perhaps not but he will still see it"

Stephen" It will probably be fine, this is Dec we are talking about"

Charlie" Yeah the same Dec who chased you up the road for two whole hours when we revealed we were together, then didn't talk to you properly for a year"

Stephen" I'm sorry, I just love you"

Charlie pulls a smirk at him and hands him his tea.

Charlie" So what's going on today?"

Stephen" I have to go in to do more rehearsing and meet the celebrities with Holly but I'll see you later yeah"

Charlie" Yeah okay, I'll swing by later after I've seen dad, Ali has taken the little ones out so I think it's just me and him, it's mad when I think of my life without Isla and Jack, I love them so much"

Stephen" Awww, my heart that's the cutest thing ever"

Stephen holds his chest and pretends to fall over.

Charlie" Come on you let's get changed"
After Charlie says goodbye to Stephen who gets in a car, she hops in their car, sticks the keys in and drives towards her dad's house, she pulls up and to be honest she never thought she would leave home. She fishes the key out of the ignition and shoves them in her pocket.

She knocks on the door and Dec opens it. He smiles and pulls her in for a hug.

Dec" Hey, there she is, my girl well one of my girls, come in, I've missed you"

Dec shuts the door and hugs Charlie who holds onto him.

Dec" There is those hugs I've missed, come on I'll make us a hot chocolate and we can chat"

Once they were both on the sofa sipping their hot chocolates they started chatting.

Dec" So let me guess is Stephen at Dancing on Ice today?"

Charlie" He is,I said goodbye to him this morning, we also went in yesterday to see Holly"

Dec" Oh how is she?"

Charlie" Okay, she didn't want to talk about it"

Dec" Yeah well, are you going to the rink tonight?"

Charlie" I am, going to see my man doing his thing"

Dec smiles.

Dec" I was thinking of going one week"

Charlie" You should come with me tonight, like a dad and daughter thing, we haven't done one of those in ages"

Dec" I do like that idea, I guess I could get all my work done then I can come with you"

Charlie" What work do you have?"

Dec" Well I just have to reply to some emails and get some stuff done for the new series of Saturday Night Takeaway"

Charlie" Oooo I'm excited for that, it's going to be a BIG one"

Dec"It's going to be our best yet, it's so big it's top secret only Ant and I know about it and ITV of course"

Charlie" Of course, what about me, your favourite daughter?"

Dec" Nice try, you can't know and I don't have favourite daughters or favourite children"

Charlie" Damm, so how was Tenerife for filming takeaway?"

Dec" Oh yeah was really good, lovely weather over there, shame you couldn't come, then again you hate the hot weather"

Charlie" I do, I must admit the trips to Florida were a struggle, water rides helped though"

Dec" I bet you are loving this current weather"

Charlie" Oh yeah, of course, this is like my prime time weather, perfect for hot chocolates, cosy jumpers and snuggling with.. up on the sofa"

Dec" You can say Stephen, it's okay you know me and him are good now, it was three years ago"

Charlie" Stephen doesn't think that, he still thinks you sort of hate him"

Dec" Well he shouldn't because I don't think that at all, he is the best person for you and I don't think that will ever change"

Charlie" I'll tell him that"

After a long nice catchup Charlie said goodbye to Dec and headed off to the rink.

Authors Notes
Hey so this is sort of just a filler chapter and what happens when I freestyle(where I start writing and don't stop) I hope you liked this. Let me know what you think below.


Question?Who's excited for Dancing on Ice tonight?
TheDonnellyDaughter X

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