Questions for Jill

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Charlie" So who are you going to call first when you are out of here?"

Jill"First people I am going to call his my family, my mum, my dad, my auntie, my uncle, my nieces and nephews yeah everyone, I've missed them so much"

Charlie" Okay, what is the first meal you are going to eat when you get out?"

Jill" I know this may disappoint a lot of people but I really want a mcdonalds, like a strawberry shake, chicken nuggets and fries and a apple pie to finish it off"

Charlie" First thing you are going to drink?"

Jill" The first thing I am going to drink is going to be flat white but it has to be from a proper coffee shop, that's one thing I am really fussy about"

Charlie" So what is the first thing you are going to do here?"

Jill" The first thing I want to do is shower because I am absolutely stink"

Charlie" Okay, who would you go to dinner with out of camp?"

Jill"The first person I would like to go to dinner with is Owen though he will probably take so long to eat it will probably roll into breakfast"

Charlie" What words come to mind when you think of your jungle experience?"

Jill" The first word that comes to mind is bean crumble, I mean we had beans with charcoal it did give a bit of taste to the beans though"

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