Little piano player (part 1)

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"Frida! We're late, hurry up!".

Frida sighed deeply, kneeling in front of the chest of drawers to decide which scarf to wear. That day she had opted for a Norma Kamali draped red cotton jersey jump-suit, in a petite size, with velcro panels for attaching shoulder pads and tight lower leg and flat sandals. But she couldn't decide which accessory to wear.

'Maybe I could wear this white one... Or the red one? Maybe I won't wear a scarf, but a headband? '.

She was so focused on her search that she didn't hear footsteps on the stairs coming up to the bedroom door.

"Frida?!" Benny said in exasperation.

Frida jumped, turning towards the door "God, Benny! You scared me" she put a hand to her chest and then turned back to the dresser.

Benny sighed and put his hands on his hips "It's not to rush you, but I've been waiting for you downstairs for almost half an hour. We're already a lifetime late".

Frida snorted again and rolled her eyes in exasperation.

'Nothing for today, okay' she thought and stood up, arranging and closing the open drawer. She went to the armchair in the corner of the room and took the black bag that she had fortunately already prepared.

Benny watched her every move in silence. Frida went to the door and stopped in front of him.

"... Well? Will you let me pass? " Frida said.

"Oh good. You finally look at me. Good morning to you too"he said sarcastically.

Frida stared at him and then shook her head, taking a side step to pass him, but Benny stood in front of her again, blocking her.

Frida looked at him exasperated "Well? I don't know if you've noticed, but we're a lifetime late" she said, trying to mimic his tone of voice.

Benny stared at her for a moment and then burst out laughing and Frida couldn't help but follow him. Benny took the last step separating them and wrapped his arms around her hips. Frida, sighing, wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, sinking her face into his neck, in that small space where he always smelled good. Smelled of him.

"Everything is ok?" Benny muttered, slowly stroking her back with one hand.

Frida closed her eyes and murmured "Everything is ok".

They stayed in that position for a few more seconds, enjoying the moment. Then Benny placed a kiss on her neck and moved, without taking his hands off her hips. Frida stared into his warm blue eyes and smiled faintly, stroking his bearded cheek.

"Ready to go?".

"Ready to go" she nodded.

They smiled at each other and Benny stepped aside to let her pass.


"OK, good. Now, let's pick up on the first chorus and then the second verse. Let's try to make it a tone up, let's see how it comes out. All right?".

Frida and Agnetha nodded, rearranging their headphones and turning the papers on the lecterns.

"1, 2, 3, go!" Benny announced with a snap of his fingers into the microphone, starting the mixer with the notes of "Happy New Year".

Immediately, the harmonious voices of Frida and Agnetha filled the recording studio, perfecting what would be the final version of the song.

"What do you think about it?" Björn said to Benny, approaching him.

Benny continued to stare at the mixer in front of him, occasionally glancing at the ladies "I think we're getting closer to the final version. To the right one, you know? Something is still missing, though... I don't know, in the part of the choirs, but it seems to me that we can get there by working on it a bit more. What do you think?".

Björn nodded "Yes, I agree. Maybe we could work on it tonight?".

Benny nodded "Yes, we could".

<< Happy new year

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