I still have faith in you (part 1)

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A sleepy sun lit up Stockholm's snowy landscape. Still at dawn, the natural light that was reflected on the white surfaces gave a feeling of pure white, calm, peace.

Christmas was coming and the city enjoyed its last quiet hours before being filled with voices, laughter, cars, boats, all moving, all running.

At the Andersson's, silence reigned in the various rooms, only the ticking of a clock there or a brave bird in front of the window there disturbed that idyllic atmosphere.

Benny was laying in bed, prone, with one arm dangling out and his face pressed to the mattress, having lost his soft pillow over the course of the night. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling more tired and upset than he was when he went to sleep... about 3 hours ago. Nothing new now.

He looked around briefly, noting the strange silence of the room, and frowned. When he heard the faint sound of pages being turned, he turned his head and rubbed his eyes. Slowly, he turned his body, groaning, and laid on one side, watching Frida sitting on a cloud of pillows, her legs bent to hold the magazine she was reading.

Benny smiled with his eyes still half closed and Frida turned to look at him, smiling.

"Good morning".

"Good morning" he took a deep breath and moved closer, giving her a long, warm kiss on her lips.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked when they parted, smiling amused.

"Like a dormouse for exactly... 7 minutes? More or less" Benny replied, moving away slightly "Thanks to this little hurricane" he rested his head on a pillow that supported Frida, perfectly in line with their son's face. Memorizing once again every little inch of his face, the long lashes on the closed lids, the red and protruding lips...

Benny smiled, in love, and gently placed a kiss on the closed fist of the child, blissfully abandoned to a deep sleep against his mother's chest "Have you been like this for long?" he asked, continuing to observe his son.

Frida put a cheek on the back of the child's neck, sighing "For a couple of hours now. He woke up and I didn't want to disturb you, you were very tired".

He sighed and reached out to move the newspaper from her legs, settling himself between her legs to rest his face on the valley of her breasts, without disturbing the baby "So, since I put him in the crib, when I came back, he hasn't slept anything. You could have called me, you know it's not a problem".

Frida smiled and fixed some locks of his blond hair that had fallen on his forehead "I know. But at least I'm home. Between work and everything else, you've a lot more to do around than me, you need to rest... Remember this charitable gesture of mine when he will have colic again" she concluded, giggling.

Benny closed his eyes, chuckling and sinking his face into her chest, leaving her long, warm kisses. She sighed, enjoying those rare moments of theirs, stroking his head.

He lifted himself from her, sinking his face against her neck "I love this little monster, but I miss his mom tremendously".

Frida kissed him on the cheek "I'm not going anywhere".

"Hmm, you know what I mean".

Frida intercepted his lips and kissed him gently "I know and I miss you too".

That moment of total stillness was interrupted by the vibrating of Benny's cell phone on the bedside table. He sighed and closed his eyes, moving quickly to answer the call.

"Hello?" he murmured.

"Benny? You ok?".

"Yes, Björn, everything is ok".

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