I see red (part 2)

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"I can't believe it. I just can't...".

With furious steps, Frida entered her new apartment. Unfortunately, the door suffered her wrath and roared loudly as the wood slammed against the frame. It had been a chaotic afternoon. No, chaotic was a small adjective, more likely insane. And all for what? The male ego. Men. They simply couldn't agree, couldn't be civil with each other. One had to be better than the other, right? And her? She had to put up with their impudence.

Her breathing was so labored that her chest moved arhythmically to a point where she thought she'd end up suffocating. The mirror was across the room but she didn't have to see her reflection to know for certain that her entire face was flushed, could feel it burning. In fact, she could feel every inch of her body burning with shame and indignation.

Frida threw her green coat and her expensive purse on the couch, but it wasn't enough to appease her fervent frustration. She ran a hand through her short red hair. At that moment she wished to have it longer, she wished to kick the couch, she wished to lock herself in her bedroom and never set foot in the recording studio again. What a shame.

She jumped when she heard hard knocking at her front door. She took a deep breath and told herself to calm down.

"Frida! Open up!".

She heard Benny's voice coming from outside and pure fury blurred her vision. She took long, determined steps and opened the door. She found him with his hand rised to knock again and glared at him.

"How the hell do you know where I live!?" she almost shouted, going to slam the door in his face.

But he reached out and stopped the door from closing.

Frida squeezed her eyes and raised a silent prayer to heaven, asking for patience.

The door opened and closed again, this time letting in a desperate Benny. Light was still coming in from outside, that's why he saw perfectly when her shoulders tensed and her back became stiffer at his calling. She wasn't happy and neither was he. It was a tie.

"Frida" he called out to her again, stepping in.

"No!" Frida turned on her heels. Her green eyes shone like two flames of fire. Damn it! There, there was the cause of her anger, once again the same person, the same face; a little different though.

He was no longer the man who used to sleep in her bed, nor the man with whom she shared the shower, nor the man who loved her madly night after night. No. That ended a while ago. And yet, standing there in her new apartment, that after a long period of hesitation she decided to buy, he still looked stunning and handsome. She never imagined having him there. Her stomach clenched and she became even angrier at herself for allowing herself to be so deluded and weak. She was mad at him. Once again Benny had messed it up.

"Don't you dare say a single word. What's more, I don't even know who you thought you were to take the audacity to enter here!".

"If you had listened to me when I told you to stop---".

"No! That's the point — I don't have to listen to you".

"Oh God, you're so stubborn..." Benny ran his hand through his hair. A typical gesture when he was frustrated.

"Excuse me?!" she exclaimed "Stubborn, me?" Frida took a step forward "How dare you?!".

"I dare! I dare, okay?!" he raised his arms and let them fall loudly against his thighs. Benny was known for being a patient and civilized man, but that day it was being quite a challenge, calling into question his good and polite temperament.

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