Don't shut me down (part 1)

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"20 bottles of beer on the wall, 20 bottles of beer! Take one down and pass it around, 19 bottles of beer on the wall!".


"Boys! Let's not overdo it! I've to remind you that tomorrow we have a festival to attend!" Björn tried to make his friends think, raising his voice to be heard.

They had been there for a couple of hours now and the alcohol was starting to flow a little too much for his tastes, especially in view of the much coveted Bråvalla Festival, which they had managed to sign up to perform, and which would officially begin tomorrow and would see them busy for two days.

"Björn, don't start! Let's have fun and tomorrow... It will be what it will be!" Hugo yelled back, lifting his mug of beer and draining most of it.

Björn looked at him almost in disgust at his gluttony and shook his head. It was true, very often he was too serious and logical for his age, but this was an incredible opportunity for them, especially for him and Benny. He looked for his friend and saw him not far away while he was talking animatedly with other people, a smile always on his face and a glass of beer in his hand. Their work experience, and therefore their friendship, had only recently begun, but he had immediately perceived a certain affinity with him, a spark in his eyes that had totally involved him.

Getting there at their age was a huge milestone for them and he didn't want to fail, for no reason whatsoever.

He felt a strong pat on the shoulder and turned to find his friend Johan.

"Come on, Björn. Have a drink, find a beautiful girl and enjoy the evening. Tomorrow we will be serious again!" Johan said laughing, taking a sip of his beer.

Björn shook his head "No, thanks. I've already had enough and I don't need any pretty girls".

"He's right. He already has one that's a blast!" Kaj intervened not far away, with dreamy eyes.

"Mind your own business, Kaj" Björn told him in an annoyed tone.

"Come on, Ulvaeus, 'you look, but you don't touch'" Kaj replied, laughing.

"And who is this lucky one?" Hugo intervened, intrigued.

"It's none of your business, Hugo" Björn replied, annoyed.

"Ohhh, you should see her, man. She's beautiful: long blonde hair, a fairytale body, an angel face... Ooohhh "Kaj said, sighing dreamily "She sang with the Bernt Enghardts".

"Oooh, yeah! Yeah, sure. I know her... Anna something?".

"Agnetha. Her name is Agnetha, okay? Now drop it" Björn told him irritably, embarrassed.

It was true, he was dating Agnetha, but he didn't want their budding story to be the center of attention of the boys and their comments.

"Ooohh, come on, Björn. What is it, are you ashamed of us?" Kaj teased him.

Jonah put his arm around his shoulders and said "Yeah, Björn, are you ashamed of us?".

"Hey, dudes, why don't you just leave him alone and go find yourself a girl? Oh yes, you're right: mission impossible!".

"Andersson, my guru, tell me what is the magic formula to find a beautiful girl with a snap of your fingers like you do" Kaj told him whimpering, crossing his hands in prayer.

"Having a pretty face, being nice and a gentleman. You're cut out, therefore, Kaj".

Jonah and Hugo laughed and Jonah punched his friend on the shoulder who pretended to cry "That hurt, man!".

Kaj playfully sent Benny to hell and walked away, mug in hand, along with his two friends who were already a bit tipsy.

"Thanks, man. They know how to be really heavy" Björn said as soon as they were alone, smiling.

"Nah, don't take it so hard. They're good guys... A little crazy, but good guys "Benny laughed, taking a sip of his beer. Björn laughed with him. "So, how are things with Agnetha?".

Björn smiled. With Benny he could talk about anything, not that they didn't have different opinions on many topics, but they always managed to understand each other, to listen to each other and also for the women's topic, he just felt comfortable talking to him. Besides, he had met Agnetha.

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