I saw it in the mirror (part 2)

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"Lillebil, hello" Frida greeted her friend, reaching out to give her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello dear!" she said, leaving a quick kiss on Benny's cheek "Come sit down, we haven't seen in a while!".

"Um, you're right" Frida gave a tight smile "Maybe later, though, Lill... We were---".

"Oh come on! Don't make me beg!" Lillebil laughed affectionately "I'm here with my sister, I'd like to introduce her to you. Mona?".

Frida stopped saying more when Lillebil turned to call out to the woman in question. She turned briefly to Benny and with one look they said it all.

"Here she is! Frida, Benny, meet my sister. She has recently arrived in the city "Lillebil said with a smile.

Frida hinted a smile and extended a hand to her "Very pleased".

"Hello" the woman replied, squeezing her hand in a rather cold way. Frida looked at her with raised eyebrows and then saw her turn towards Benny with a smile and a look that made her frown "It's really nice to meet you, I'm Mona".

Benny changed hands so as not to have to leave Frida's to quickly shake the one that the woman was offering him "Oh, my pleasure".

The squeeze lasted a few more moments and Frida raised an eyebrow, already annoyed by that scene "Ok, end of the introductions. We have to go now. Excuse us!".

"But Frida..." Lill began.

"Later!" Frida said aloud, physically pushing Benny away, who laughed in amusement.

When they were outside, they both continued to laugh, hand in hand.

"Oh God, it's freezing!" Frida exclaimed, reaching up to him to find some warmth and he wrapped her in his arms.

"Love, can you tell me what happened in there?".


"With Lillebil and her sister".

"But did you see her!? She looked at you as If she had seen the light".

Benny laughed out loud, slapping his thigh.

"Do not laugh! You never notice these things, but that's how it was! She looked at you as If she wanted to... undress you there, on the dance floor".

"Uuuhhh, things are getting hot, so... Go ahead" he murmured in her ear, hugging her and biting her lobe.

Frida laughed "I'm serious, Benny. I didn't have a good feeling, not at all" she concluded in a less amused tone.

"Love, love, love, love..." he sighed, turning her towards him and covering her face and neck with kisses "I don't care. I have my wife who wants to take me home and do you think I think about other women?" he told her he grinning. But when she didn't smile as hoped, he continued "Who cares, did you get a bad impression? Ok, we'll avoid meeting her. But she is Lillebil's sister, it'll be difficult to avoid her" at Frida's irritated look, he added "But we will!" he gave her a peck on the lips "We'll do it. Don't be mad at me, pretty please?" Benny said with a cheeky grin and then took her hand and they almost ran to his car.

Benny reached for the keys in his pocket and unlocked the car, but when he was about to open the passenger side door to let her in, Frida pulled his arm back and opened the back door, pushing him inside awkwardly.

"Woah!" Benny exclaimed, shocked and amused.

Frida followed him and got in behind with him, immediately clicking the safety locks of the car to lock it and turning towards him, half lying on the seat and with one leg on the front seat. She laughed and then crawled up to him briefly, helping him sit up and then straddling him.

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