I still have faith in you (part 4)

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This chapter was inspired by these two photos and this collage :)


Loud laughter echoed around a heavenly landscape.

Snow was everywhere, whitening the streets, paths, trees, roofs, cars, chairs... Everything.

The air was cold. Indeed no, it was freezing. The small pools of water were frozen and the tepid and shy sun that was starting to emerge did very little in front of that frozen power.

"Ow! But that was not a snowball! That was a snowrock!" Heléne screamed, immediately running towards Hans and Peter for her revenge.

As the two boys ran off and laughed at her, Lotta suddenly appeared in front of them and hurled two huge snowballs at them with surgical precision, hitting them in the face. The two boys jumped and almost fell to the ground, coughing up the snow that had also ended up in their mouths. Meanwhile Heléne arrived and threw herself on his brother Peter's back and spread a handful of snow on the side of his face.

"Aaaaaaaaaaah!" Peter exclaimed, starting to move to shake off his sister.

Frida almost doubled over with laughter as she watched them from the porch of the house "Guys! Don't get hurt!" she yelled, trying to catch her breath. She watched them for a long time as they continued their fight, the energy fading more and more from the effort and the cold, but splendid amused smiles were on their faces.

Frida sighed contentedly, her breath condensing in front of her face. She squeezed her arms in front of her and lowered her gaze.

Nestled inside her heavy cape, leaning against her thermal suit, there was her baby staring at her with big blue eyes, barely the only thing that poked out of his place in the pouch.

Frida brought her face close to his "Hey, charmer. You warm in there?" she murmured, nuzzling his nose.

Aleksander closed his eyes briefly when his mother caressed him and then opened them again, bright and full of life, smiling with his small toothless mouth. Frida smiled and arranged the blanket better on his head, nestling him more against her.

"Hey! Let's make a snowman?".

Frida looked up at the kids, finding them all on the ground, snow everywhere on their suits.

"You're a child, Lotta. I'll make a huge monster all-eater!" Hans exclaimed, starting to get up.

"And I'll make a monster that eats all-eater monsters!" Lotta replied, getting up quickly.

Heléne and Peter also followed them. Heléne turned to Frida and waved her hand, Frida smiled and waved back, letting her know that she had heard what they were going to do.

Aleksander started blabbing to himself as he stared at one of the buttons on Frida's suit.

She looked at him and smiled "What are you telling me, honey? Hm? Do you know that in a few years you too will be able to go with them to do a monster all-eater?" she said amused, catching the boy's attention who gaped at her. When she stared back, he smiled and resumed his babbling.

Frida shook her head and got up from the wooden table on which she was leaning. Although he was still small, Aleksander was growing visibly and began to weigh. Slowly, Frida began to walk along the porch of the house, always keeping under the canopy to protect the child from the light cold breeze that had arisen. She looked up and enjoyed the silent and immaculate landscape. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, enjoying the cold air in her nose and lungs. Regenerating.

They continued their walk, alternating moments in which she played with the baby staring into his eyes until one of them giggled.

Going around the house, she smiled and approached one of the large and heavy windows of the living room. Peering inside, having opened the curtains before stepping out, it took her a second to spot her husband.

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