Don't shut me down (part 2)

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Benny took a drag on his cigarette and blew the air out angrily. He ran a hand over his beard and then put it in his pocket, biting the inside of his cheek. In the distance, he could see his friends having fun as never before, drinking and laughing, talking... dancing.

And it was this last activity that was driving him crazy.

Frida was dancing... No, rather... It was an understatement to say dancing... she was merging her own body with August's, who looked as If he had won the New Year's lottery.

When he saw August's hand caress her back slowly, he looked away and shook his head, hinting at an irritated smile.

"Heart troubles, honey?".

Benny felt a hand run through his hair and whirled around to see Lill-Babs leaning next to him against the fence.

He shook his head, taking another puff of his cigarette "Absolutely not".

Lill-Babs laughed "Oh God, Benny. You're really cooked to perfection, huh?".

Benny looked at her annoyed and turned back to look at Frida, who was laughing at something that a quite tipsy August had muttered in her ear.

"And she knows it. And she takes advantage of it" Lill-Babs took the cigarette from his fingers and took a drag.

Benny sighed and shook his head "She can do whatever she wants, we're not together".

Lill-Babs blew out the smoke and replied "But you'd like it".

Benny was silent for a few moments and then said "I didn't know you were passionate about the psychology of love, Lill".

"No. I don't care, in fact. But I care about you and I don't want to see you suffer for any presumptuous little harlot".

Benny suddenly turned towards her, frowning "You've a high opinion of her, I see".

Lill-Babs took another drag on his cigarette and then tossed it to the ground, putting it out "I just say what I see. She wants you, but she ignores you. She's jealous of the others with you, but she doesn't waste time throwing herself into someone else's arms".

"Stop it, Lill. It's not so".

"Oh no? And what do you call that?".

Benny looked back at Frida and saw just at that moment August taking her hand and almost dragging her away from the crowd of dancing people.

He watched them go, motionless. "Exactly". He heard Lill-Babs say beside him, and then he heard her footsteps going away.


"Okay, August, slow down a moment" Frida chuckled forcibly and tugged at his arm, whose hand was tightened like a vise around hers.

"No... No, come with me, Frida... I've to show you something" August said, slurring the words a little.

Frida sighed and tried again to stop him "Let's go back to the others, August, it's better".

August suddenly turned right and forced Frida to pirouette and suddenly she found herself slammed into a tree trunk. Immediately afterward she felt August's lips on her neck.

"August! What are you doing?!" Frida said, pushing him away with her hands.

"Let me kiss you, Frida. You're so sexy..." and he tried to kiss her on her lips, but she moved her face in time and he ended up kissing her cheek.

"No! Stop it, August, you're hurting me" she said again, struggling to push him away.

August pressed himself harder against her and muttered "I'll make you feel great, honey, I assure you" and licked her neck.

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