Lay all your love on me (part 2 PLUS)

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Hello hello 😁!

Thinking and thinking these days, I think this part has always been stuck on my mind for not having written it and... Well... I'm on vacation right now, so why not? xD

A special thanks to a person who is often a source of inspiration and always a source of advice ---> lialyngstad 🌷🌷

Thank you all as always 😁 🌷!
And, oh, it's a chapter 
📢📢📢📢📢 😉😉😉😉😉😉


Benny narrowed his eyes at his reflection in the mirror and mechanically raised his hands to his neck, almost like a puppet who knew the steps by heart.

He shook his head for the umpteenth time and grimaced, returning to the bed and going through the clothes he had spread out there. He frowned and unbuttoned the blue shirt he was wearing for the white one.

"It's the fourth shirt you've changed, Benny".

Benny quickly turned towards the door and frowned, continuing to button up his shirt "It's not true... It's the third one" he muttered almost offended.

Mrs. Laila stood up from her position leaning against the door jamb of her son's room "Honey, don't you think you're a little too tense? I mean... It's Frida".

Benny tugged at the cuffs of his shirt, his face still frowning "Exactly. It's Frida. And... I want to make a good impression".

Mrs. Laila giggled again and approached her son "Honey..." she started, bringing her hands on the poor shirt cuff that he was nervously ruining and starting to adjust his shirt calmly and precisely "You've been together for a couple of weeks, from what you told me. You've known each other for a long time... You don't have to be afraid".

Benny licked his lips and then looked down at her deftly moving spindly hands "It's our first real, true first date, you know? I just want everything to be good. I want everything to be perfect".

"Even if everything doesn't turn out perfect, I'm sure that girl won't run away because of it" she finished with the other cuff and then turned to the collar "Don't put too much pressure on it. Let things go as they should. Let your feelings do the talking... Finally" she winked at him and pulled a small smile from her son's lips.

Benny sighed "I'm sorry I messed up in here" he vaguely pointed to his former bedroom at his parents' house.

Mrs. Laila snorted "I knew right away it was something important when you asked me to come to lunch here and then take out your dress because you had something to do tonight. It was worth the risk" she giggled, amused "My baby... So grown up now" she stroked his bearded cheek "I'm so happy for you. And I'm so glad it's Frida" she whispered like it was a secret.

He raised his eyebrows, chuckling "Mum... are you telling me you never liked my choices in girls?".

She looked at him taken aback and giggled embarrassed "Well... Let's say I was expecting something different, maybe? But... I mean... My opinion doesn't count, you have to do what's in your heart, okay?".

Benny laughed at her and put his hands on her shoulders "Okay, calm down, mom" he kissed her forehead "Thanks for your concern and I'm glad you like Frida".

"I like her. She's a good girl. A little bossy, but kind-hearted".

Benny chuckled "Oh, very bossy! I can guarantee you that" he told her, making her laugh.

Mrs. Laila eyed her son as he turned to get the tie from the bed and started tying it tightly around his neck, it looked like he was going to a ceremony "Honey..." she said again "I don't want to be insensible, but... don't you think it's a bit... too much?".

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