Under attack (part 1)

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"Do you think this is funny, right?".

Benny tried hard to hide his smirk as he stared out the window and Frida got into the car, slamming the door and grimacing at her torn fishnets stockings because of a close encounter with a bag full of sequins.

He chuckled briefly "Why are you blaming me?".

"I'm not blaming you, but maybe it would be nice if you stopped laughing... These stockings were brand new..." she muttered, looking at the damage on her right leg.

"I told you it wasn't necessary for you to come today...".

He knew he was playing with fire with those words, but he thoroughly enjoyed reeling her up and watching her lose her usual self-control at his hands.

Benny started the car when he caught her expression out of the corner of his eye that was between murderous and shocked and they hit the road.

She wouldn't take the bait. Not this time. Things were... well... unsettled between them lately and that day she had really jumped over backwards to be there.

She had already been on tour in Sweden for a few months with her band and her commitments had overlapped each other, without giving her time to breath even for a moment.

Before her departure, Agnetha and Björn had told them of their plans to marry in July, right at the height of her duties, and that they were obviously invited.

Benny had immediately said yes for both of them, but then, at home, she had informed him of the possibility that she could not be there because of work, but he had smiled and told her that everything would be fine and even if she didn't make it, it would still be fine.

'Piece of liar, manipulator, asshole' Frida thought as she searched vainly in her purse for the lipstick that she knew she had grabbed in a hurry from home before going to church. She sighed irritated when her lipstick materialized before her eyes, held by a grinning Benny who kept his eyes glued to the road.

'Where the hell did he get that from? And how did he know I was looking for it?!'.

She snatched it from his hand and lowered the parasol and looked in the little mirror to put it on. When she finished, she almost irritably tossed the lipstick into her purse and then settled back in the seat with her arms folded, looking at the road ahead. She saw him grinning for the umpteenth time out of the corner of her eye.

The big idiot, some weeks ago, had started teasing her about the fact that they would make a bad impression on their friends if she didn't come, that she had been away for months and could at least take a few days to get back to her normal life... At least to remember what her boyfriend looked like.

Yeah, her boyfriend.

Because that big idiot was her boyfriend.

Frida snorted silently and looked out the window at the city passing in front of her, their direction was a small estate of Björn's family where they'd celebrate their wedding with all the guests. She'd obviously asked him to detour home to change, but that led to more arguments.

Despite the oppressive silence in the car at that moment, Frida was scrupulously attentive to every noise he made, to every gear change, to every sigh of him.

She had always been a very silent girl, more inclined to observe than to speak, but with him everything had turned upside down. He was capable of teasing her and making her grit come out, he was capable of making her talk and make her do a thousand things even when she preferred just to go to bed not get up for a whole day.

He was able to show her the colorful side of life, but also the fiery side of it.

From his insinuations about not wanting to come to the wedding on purpose, an endless discussion had arisen that had lasted for days, turning from long silences and sulks to real outbursts in which they accused each other.

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