Don't shut me down (part 3)

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Benny finished fixing his hair nervously for the last time and stared in the mirror.

'This is the moment. Go out there and do your best. As always. No regrets'.

He nodded at his own reflection and took a deep breath. Behind him Björn materialized.

"Are we ready?" he told him, smiling.

Benny nodded confidently "Ready".

They turned to walk to the stage from the backstage when the other guys of the band joined them.


Benny turned and found August, he glared at him and kept walking.

"Benny, man, wait".

Benny turned like a fury and suddenly pushed him against a wall, speaking to him a few inches from his face "Don't you ever dare to call me man again, do you understand? What you were going to do yesterday is a shameful thing, you shouldn't even have the face to talk to me! We'll spend these two days putting up with each other, because as soon as we get home I don't want to see your face around anymore, is that clear to you?".

August looked at him with wide eyes and silently nodded.

"And I swear, If I still see you wandering around Frida... I swear to you, August, I'll make you pay!".

"Hey? What happens?" Björn called them, frowning at the scene.

Benny stared at August for a few more moments and then replied "Nothing, all settled. Let's go" and he let him go, moving to Björn.

"Are you okay?" Björn asked in a low voice.

Benny nodded "Yes, don't worry, everything okay".

Björn nodded uncertainly and they walked towards the stage.

All around was a bustle of technicians, artists, dancers, in a frame of wires, cables, musical instruments, clothes...

Benny looked around smiling, enthusiastic about that world that he loved so much and that he wanted to make his forever.

"Ok, guys. Welcome. Go up these stairs and you will find yourself right behind the stage. There will be a technician there, Micah, who will give you the ok to enter the scene. You still have a little time to get charged. Good luck!" the backstage attendant winked at them and pointed to the ladder to climb.

The boys went up and found themselves in a long corridor that connected the building to the stage. You could distinctly hear the shouting and roar of the audience and the boys began to charge each other, excited.

Benny stayed last to try for some silence, closing his eyes and concentrating. They should have played for about half an hour, it had to be a perfect half hour.

With his eyes closed, taking a deep breath, he suddenly felt himself being pulled by his right arm and barely had time to open his eyes and see the door of a dimly lit closet close and a flash of dark red hair before being pushed against a wall and lips begin to devour his own.

Benny, taken aback, didn't immediately respond to the kiss, but despite the initial confusion, he raised a hand certain to find and hold that dark red hair that he knew well. After a few seconds, he pulled back from those soft lips and murmured "... Frida?".

He heard chuckles and then her face was just lit by a spotlight from outside and penetrated through the window.

"Now you have to explain to me how did you recognize me immediately? What If I was a crazy fan of yours?".

Benny looked at her for a few seconds and then laughed, drawing her close and kissing her with everything he had. He was as confused as he was excited by the moment, by that long-awaited kiss, and he didn't want to get lost in chatter, there would be time for that.

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