I wonder (part 3)

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"Okay, thank you".

Frida put her wallet back in her purse and left the pharmacy. She briskly walked towards her car parked not far away, doing the gymkhana among the people who crowded the sidewalk on that Friday afternoon. She couldn't waste time and had already wasted enough.

She had been around for about 2 hours and she had already bought almost everything she had written on her to do list, she was just missing one last thing.

Frida parked outside the shopping center and hurried towards the supermarket, without even taking a trolley. She flew through the corridors as if she had wings on her feet, until she found what she was looking for. She frantically rummaged through the displayed products and silently cursed when she didn't find what she was looking for.

Sighing, she went looking for a clerk and explained to him what she was looking for, but unfortunately he informed her that they were out of that item, however informing her of another store of the same chain where she would surely find it.

At about 30 minutes drive from there.

Frida threw back her head and cursed for the umpteenth time, too much to desire to be at home 1 hour ago.

Anyway, she had to. And she had just 1 hour before the mall would close.

Frida returned to her car quickly and placed her purse on the floor on the passenger side. She took a few seconds to catch her breath, her hands wrapped around the steering wheel, looking around. The sky was gray and the wind whipped at everything it met, making any kind of movement difficult.

She heard the phone ring in her purse and she quickly pulled it out.

'Everything okay?'.

Frida sighed. She loved her husband, but he was a thorn in the side that day in particular.

She texted back that she was ok and that she'd be home in an hour, hopefully, and she quickly started the car and drove off to the other mall.

Stopping at a red light, she drummed her fingers on the steering wheel in anticipation, turning on the radio to distract herself from the slight headache that was beginning to torment her. She heard he phone beeping again and she took it back from the passenger seat where she had abandoned it.

'Be careful... See you in a bit... Don't hate me xo'.

Finally, a smile formed on her lips and she took a deep breath to calm herself.

'You owe me big one, big boy xoxo'.

She texted back and then closed the phone, waiting for the green light. That man was her entire world, he was her rock to hold on to when the whole sea was stormy, but he was a big baby when it came to having the flu.

He had been sick for 3 days now and that bad flu didn't seem to want to go away, causing him high fever, sore throat and exhaustion. On top of that, when he was sick, he really became like a 5 year old. And it was precisely for that reason that she was finding herself driving around half of Stockholm looking for his favorite ice cream as well as medicines and food, because 'I've always eaten it when I was sick, since I was a child, and I've always recovered immediately after'. She chuckled to herself, shaking her head. And it wasn't even just any ice cream, no, it was a specific brand and a specific flavour.

But, if that was one more thing to get him healthy faster, well, she had to find that damn ice cream.

The light changed and she started the car again, quickly driving to her destination, praying it was the last stop of the day.

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