Disillusion (part 1)

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"Ohh, come on!" Frida complained abandoning her arms at her sides in defeat, in her right hand still clutching the watergun.

"I'm sorry, miss. Nothing for today" the young lady behind the counter said with a sorry expression, approaching her to retrieve the gun.

Frida stared at her, narrowing her eyes with a comically sulky expression as she slowly handed her the gun.

"Wait, wait, wait!".

Frida had time to turn her gaze to her right before Benny sneaked in and grabbed the gun.

He turned grinning to the young lady behind the counter "One more round please! Need to win something for her" and he winked at her as he gave the girl some money. He could see out of the corner of his eye that she was looking at him dramatically offended. He chuckled and then looked at her "Oh, come on. I don't mean to belittle or hit your values as a woman. Nobles as they are and whom you know I respect" and to sweeten the pill, he left a light kiss on her cheek. She remained still. "But I want to win something for you and fight the corrupt carnival system that makes everything difficult around here!".

She stared at him for a few moments and then shook her head, snorting "Men... They always have to prove their force".

The young lady behind the counter giggled, evidently in agreement, and then she stepped aside, allowing him to shoot.

Benny aimed carefully, placing both hands on the toy gun, closing one eye as his tongue peeked out on one side of his mouth. The clear image of concentration.

"Try not to disappoint me" Frida murmured in his ear, placing her hands on his hips, trying to distract him.

Benny chuckled and looked at her briefly, immediately resuming his position "Try not to distract me, woman".

After a few long moments, Benny fired and managed to hit all targets.

"Yes! Woho!" Benny cheered "Take that, bunny!" he defiantly pointed to the target rabbits in front of him.

He turned and smiled when he heard Frida laughing heartily next to him.

"Oh God, you'd see yourself! You're hilarious!".

He made a mock bow "Glad to be at your service, milady" and smiled at her, amused.

As they walked away from the stall, Frida was holding a huge pink teddy bear as Benny walked beside her, teasing her.

She rolled her eyes "But you won it on purpose!" she moaned mockingly.

"Just so I could tease you" he told her knowingly and she nudged him lightly, making him laugh.

"What's that?".

"He won it for me!" Frida said immediately, showing it better to Ingmarie and Annette, who laughed as they looked at him sweetly.

"Aww, that's so cute!".

"Thanks, Ingmarie. You sure understand me" Benny said, hugging her and making her laugh.

Frida stuck her tongue out at him and then laughed.

He watched her as she walked away to the nearby wooden tables of the food truck. He smiled as he watched her in amusement. She was so beautiful, intelligent, smart... And it was really hard to tell her all those things in person. He sighed and put his hands in his pockets, walking closer and slowly to their friends, immersing himself in his thoughts. They had been friends for quite a while now, he had always been attracted to her, at first only physically, but then he had known her better and... Wow... She was a volcano of energy, emotions, ups and downs, pure warmth. And he had never found the right moment to invite her out, alone. When they went out, they were always with their friends and it was starting to get on his nerves.

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