Dream World (part 4)

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"Okay, now let's head to the other side of the courtyard where we will do your hand prints. It will be quick and... painless!" the girl who was leading the group joked, making those present laugh.

Benny put his hands in his pockets and followed the large group of people to the opposite side from where they were. There were really quite a lot people on that hot August day and they were all quite bewildered by this, because it was said that there would only be their photographer Hanser and some insiders to immortalize the event. But, as usual, things always had to be done grandly.

"Hey, my man!".

Benny felt a hand tighten around his arm and turned to his right, finding Thomas smiling warmly at him "Hey, I didn't see you in all this chaos".

Thomas chuckled "Yeah, I didn't think there would be so many people around for some hand prints! But, I mean... You're ABBA! Wow-wow!" he joked and Benny chuckled with him.

"Yeah, why keep it quiet when we can tell everyone?" Benny replied wryly, shaking his head and looking to his left as a couple of photographers hurried to catch up with Agnetha just ahead to take dozens more pictures of her.

"How are things?" Thomas asked, walking with him.

Benny sighed "Fine. Quite fine. Even if I'd rather be lying on some enchanted beach or on the prow of my boat".

"Ohh yes! How I feel you!" Thomas winked at him "Maybe with a nice cocktail in hand, the light fresh sea wind in the face and a beautiful woman beside" he sighed exaggeratedly, with a dreamy look.

Benny laughed "Yes to everything! I also have the boat keys in my pocket right now... and the marina is nearby. I should just have the courage to make the leap of quail!" he nodded jokingly.

"Guys! Hurry up, we're about to start!".

The two looked up at Inge who with a smile tried to make everyone speed up a bit on that hot and tiring afternoon.

Benny's attention was drawn to the vibrating phone in his lobster-colored pants. He took it and then a smile formed on his lips.

"Oh my God again".

Benny boredly looked up from the phone to his left, where Stig was rolling his eyes.

"... Problems?" Benny asked ironically.

"Yes... You've been on that phone all afternoon, can you leave it for a few minutes?!" he said shaking his head.

"I could... But why, after all?" Benny said, returning his eyes to the screen.

Stig shook his head "God help me..." and he passed him. Benny glared at him and went back to his phone.

Frida had been texting him all day, making him refrain from laughing out loud more times than he could think. She had been asking about everything, and apart from one answer of his where he told her that she should have come with him to live it all, he had given her a detailed account of everything and everyone. Almost like a roadmap.

He hadn't wanted to leave her alone that day, but his presence there was required and he couldn't have missed it after months of preparation. Frida too was expected, but in the end she had told him that she didn't feel like it, and he hadn't insisted. Nor he had allowed anyone to say a word about that. It wasn't time to pressure her to step outside the four protective walls of their home yet, even if he knew that her time was running out for that too.

Benny looked at the phone for the umpteenth time and grinned amused when she texted him that she would be waiting for him at home with a surprise and then inviting him to hurry up.

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