M(e)n in the middle (part 1)

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I'm sooooo happy, people, to announce you the first Pill Co-written with lialyngstad !🎉🎉🎉🎉
It's been a long (damn commitments in life! >.<) but funny and exciting journey that we're finally very happy to be able to share with you all !😄
We hope you'll enjoy it as much as we enjoyed writing it 😄

PS: What inspired us was the cover photo of this story 😉
Enough chatter, let's go!

{Thanks to my dear friend Lìa, I hope there will be many more opportunities to rack our brains together 😄!}



<<Ladies and gentleman, Swiss Airlines welcomes you to Switzerland.
The local time is 4:22 pm.
For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate...>>

They had finally landed.

After a long, exhausting journey, those words sounded like music to his ears, and for a musician that was a lot. Benny sighed loudly and threw his head on the back of the first class seat that his wife had so surprisedly and impulsively booked three weeks ago.

What did she call it? Ah, yes: an express romantic getaway.

One he could not deny to her, however, because the tickets were booked, but more than that what made him come in the end, despite the indecent amount of workload, was the illusion with which Frida gave him the news. She was over the moon, and who was him to say no to his new wife?

Oh, his wife! After years of living together, sleeping together, driving together, working together, bathing together, touring together, he could finally say she was his wife. It was such a rewarding feeling, it did good to his soul, he was head over heels for his sweet Frida, just as the first day. Well no, a thousand times more. And for that mere reason - for that endless love he kept for her - Benny accepted coming.

However, the journey turned out to be more tormenting than ever. The flight was delayed due to air traffic, which kept them at the airport three extra hours. But that was not enough to get his spirits down and Benny remained positive, infected by Frida's enthusiasm, but what seemed to be a good flight after slip turned into a headache.

There, right on the opposite side of the aisle, there was a couple dealing with their three-year-old child. The kid remained restless and weepy most of the time, natural at some point for a kid his age, but for Benny that was martyrdom in its purest form. He tried hard to stay positive and serene, but it didn't work, not even despite his wife's attempts to ease his now grumpy mood. So, making a summation of events, this resulted in a headache of a journey, that's why he was relieved they were finally there.

"Look at all that snow" Frida said by his side.

Benny looked out the tiny window, there was indeed snow on the landing lanes, perfectly stacked thanks to the maintenance team.

"It's just snow. We have a lot of it in Sweden".

Frida rolled her eyes but didn't reply to the comment. She took out a hand mirror from the carrier bag and inspected her face; clean and perfect.

"Turn to me".

Benny did as she requested and Frida arranged some wild strands of hair on his forehead, combed his bushy eyebrows and wiped a tiny coffee stain on his chin as well.

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