When All is Said and Done (part 3)

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"Fuck..." Benny muttered under his breath, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip, his expression focused and serious. He turned his head briefly to his right when he heard giggling and shook his head with a sigh "Stop it".

"It's funny".

"It isn't".

"You'd see yourself from the outside. You look like a child focusing on using scissors for the first time".

Benny shook his head silently and tried to start the car again, which he had been trying to do for about 5 minutes "I'll make her pay...".



"What does Eva have to do with it?".

Benny sighed irritably and ran a hand over his face in frustration "She was the one who picked it up the last time and a few hours ago, when I went to pick it up from her house, I noticed her expression... It was strange as she handed me the keys".

Frida chuckled again and dropped her head against her seat "What could she have done that was so strange that it wouldn't want to starta again?".

"Ah! I'll let you know as soon as I'll get my hands on her" he snorted and tried to start the car again. Uselessly.

For a few moments silence reigned in the passenger compartment of Benny's car, while Frida looked out the window and he desperately tried to take them both home.

Suddenly, Frida opened the door and got out, quickly telling him "Follow me!".

Benny remained still for a few moments as he watched her make a run towards the street and wave her hand in the distance. He frowned until he saw headlights illuminating her figure in the dark of the night and soon after a taxi stopped right in front of her. Frida turned towards him smiling and signaled him with her hand to hurry up and reach her.

Benny sighed and took the keys out of the ignition, getting out and locking the car before following her.

They slipped into the back of the big black taxi and she gave the driver her address. Benny sat down next to her. Close. Too close.

Not close enough, in his opinion.

Their thighs were pressed together and he raised an arm to wrap it around her shoulders, pulling her close. His fingers caressed her shoulder and arm, lazily.

Frida didn't turn to look at him but she smiled, shivering slightly at his ministrations. But two could play that game and she let her hand fall on his thigh. She squeezed it and her palm was hot against the fabric of his black pants. She felt an indescribable satisfaction when she lightly dug her nails into his inner thigh and felt him catch his breath. She took pity on him and she descended in a long, slow caress to his knee, then back up again.

She had his whole attention.

"I'm sorry" she said, her voice a whisper, and she turned to let her head fall against his chest, lifting her chin enough so that her nose could caress his neck.

He grunted "For what?" he whispered back, squeezing her shoulder as his right hand moved up her neck and rested against her cheek, kissing her forehead.

"For... everything... I probably exaggerated and I didn't want to---".

"Sshh ... You did good... And you were right" his eyes met hers and he hinted at a smile.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as his lips touched the corner of her mouth and his left hand slid from her shoulder to her waist, stroking her hip.

"No, seriously though" she whispered, placing a hand on his right cheek to make him raise his face and look him in the eyes "I made an unnecessary scene when I could only talk to you about it, instead... I forced you to do something that maybe you weren't ready for yet to do" she touched his lips with a finger when he opened them to answer back "I know it's work and I know how fun you've and how into you're in this damned single role they gave you...".

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