People need love (part 2)

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Benny woke up with the sensation of something warm on his face and then smiled with his eyes closed "Good morning to me".

Frida smiled against his cheek and continued to leave sweet kisses all over his face "Good morning, my love. Merry Christmas" she murmured to him.

Benny opened his eyes and smiled when he found Frida's face right above him, smiling and relaxed "Merry Christmas, my love" and kissed her, hugging her tightly.

Shortly thereafter, their moment was cut short when there was a knock on the door.

"Mom! Benny! Are you awake?" Lotta yelled from behind the door.

They smirked against their lips and Frida replied "Yes, baby!".

A moment later the door swung open and Lotta entered, grimacing "You're always making out! That's enough!" she said to them, smirking immediately after and climbing onto the bed without any grace, throwing herself on her mother and kissing her soundly on the cheek "Merry Christmas, mum!".

Frida laughed at her and hugged her tightly "Merry Christmas, my love".

Lotta then turned to Benny, who was still under the covers, and lunged at him. Benny let out a small moan of pain at that sudden weight on his stomach, but then he chuckled in amusement and pulled his arms out from under the duvet, hugging her tightly.

"Merry Christmas, brat".

Lotta laughed "Merry Christmas" she murmured to him, kissing his cheek and then resting her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes.

Frida watched them for a long time, a sudden lump in her throat at that sight of them. She thanked heaven every day that her children had such an excellent relationship with her partner... and that he had always been so perfect with them, especially with Lotta.

"Hey! Can you get a move on!?".

All three raised their heads towards the door, seeing Hans who entered with a sure step and a frown, which however lost strength because of his outfit: pajamas with a large red-nosed reindeer on the front and socks with the reindeer that went from the feet to the knees.

"Merry Christmas to you too, big boy" Benny teased him and Hans walked over to his side of the bed, smirking and high-fiving with him, then reached over to his mother and gave her a hug.

"Merry Christmas, mom".

"Merry Christmas, my baby" Frida murmured, hugging him.

"Baby, mom? Big troll, you mean" Lotta said, crushed as she was under the weight of her brother.

"Shut up, you monkey" Hans told her and Lotta immediately rushed towards him to make him pay. The two ran away from the room, chasing each other.

"Don't get hurt!" Frida yelled, hearing Benny laugh beside her.

"Hurry up! We have to open the presents!" Hans yelled, probably already on the stairs, both of them headed downstairs.

Frida and Benny looked into each other's eyes, smiling in amusement.

"What time do Heléne and Peter arrive?".

"Around 9am".


"It's going to be a long day... We need a lot of coffee" Benny said, pulling the covers back.

"It'll be a perfect day" Frida replied, smiling.

Benny turned and kissed her a couple of times "It already is" and winked.


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