Lay all your love on me (part 8)

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Frida took a teaspoon and tasted the lentil cream she had just finished preparing and nodded a couple of times, satisfied with the flavour. She plated it all up with some marinated chicken breast and the green salad with added cheese and pine nuts. She wasn't one to eat much, but she loved certain dishes and she loved to cook. And she made some of those dishes like a pro.

She smiled when she heard the key in the lock on the front door.

'Just on time'.

"Benny?" she called out to him.

"I'm here!".

"Come to the kitchen, it's ready" she said and took the two plates to bring them to the table. She smiled as she saw him enter "All done?".

He sighed "Yes, all done. I filled up the car, loaded the suitcases and confirmed the hotel. I also called Svenne to warn him and thus allow him to sleep peacefully" he rolled his eyes. He ran his hands through his hair and looked at the laid table "Hmm, what a good smell" and sat next to her.

She chuckled "Fiery days will start tomorrow for you, I have to get you going" she joked as she took her first bite.

He chuckled, starting to eat "Lucky you're coming with me, then".

"Fortunately indeed" she said, making him snort amused "But will Agnetha be there in the end?".

"Yes, just this afternoon Björn confirmed to me that she'll be there" he told her grinning, continuing to eat.

She watched him amused, he seemed so hungry "I'm happy. It would have been awful not to have her with you, she's so so good".

"Hmm hmm" he nodded, his mouth full of food "But not as much as you" he winked at her and smiled.

She snorted and shook her head "Flatterer...".

"But it's the truth and you know it" he insisted, shoving more salad in his plate and putting the rest in hers.

She shook her head again, looking at her plate "She has a completely different vocal range than mine. She reaches notes that... Wow" Frida exclaimed in a low tone, genuinely impressed by her friend's qualities and also a little disappointed by the fact that she wasn't pardoned by them.

When Benny had told her that he and Björn had considered asking Agnetha to join them to add something more to their music, she had been sincerely pleased. She was sure they had taken a valid reinforcement with them. She didn't hide a hint of melancholy in not being able to be part of their band, not that Benny hadn't asked her, but she still didn't feel ready... Moreover, compared to Agnetha she really still felt on an unequal level. So she would enjoy the two shows behind the scenes, watching him fulfill a dream and that was it.

"It's true, you're two quite different types of voices, but when I hear you sing together... I see so much potential..." he told her, smiling with his eyes full of enthusiasm.

She smiled slightly and stroked his cheek "We'll see, for now enjoy your well deserved moment. It will be special".

Benny smiled sincerely and they continued to eat talking about this and that, repeating their mental outlines to each other so as not to forget anything. When they finished and the kitchen was cleared, Benny hugged her from behind and buried his face in her neck, kissing it.

"Go and settle down on the sofa, I'll be right there".

She smiled and walked slowly towards their small living room. Benny took out of the fridge a bottle of champagne that he had secretly placed in the bottom of it and then arranged some fresh strawberries in a bowl together with some cream bought that morning. He smiled satisfied and headed into the living room.

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