Lay all your love on me (part 2)

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It's really inexplicable and strange how life can change in a matter of minutes. And Benny and Frida knew it well.

After an afternoon that had seemed so on the verge of an unprecedented crisis in their relationship, with the threat of everything they had built together crumbling to the ground, now everything seemed like a distant memory, as If it had happened years ago and they were remembering the old days.

Frida couldn't stop smiling at the absurdity of the day. She was over the moon, of course, but she felt like she was experiencing a parallel reality that she had imagined but never thought possible materializing. And the fear that it was all a soap bubble was always bubbling on the surface.

She looked down to try not to fall on the steps of the cinema where the lights had already dimmed for the imminent start of the film, barely paying attention to the numbers on the steps to find their row. She berated herself for concentrating, but her head was a cauldron of thoughts and emotions that were totally confusing her. Her feet returned to the ground when she felt him lightly grab the fingers of her left hand, causing her to stop and he came up behind her, brushing his chest against her shoulders, murmuring in her ear.

"Focus, Frida. Or they will say that I distract you".

Even though she didn't turn to look at him, she could distinctly see his cocky smile on his lips, she could see his boyishly twinkle in his eyes. She refrained from retorting and sighed, smiling, walking down the two extra steps she'd climbed to their central seats.

He sat down to her right and placed the container with her popcorn on the ground, obviously in maxi format despite her many complaints.

Frida watched him taking off his scarf from around his neck and unbuttoning his coat, all with the look of a child at an amusement park. He looked up at her and noticed her staring at him and he smiled. Benny leaned in, invading her personal space and kissed her, his lips urging hers to move with his. He barely pulled away to whisper "You're beautiful, Frid" and then he continued kissing her. It didn't take long for things to get heated up.

His hands began to roam her waist and her back while her hands migrated around his neck, over his shoulders, fingers leisurely moving through his soft hair. He pulled away from her lips, despite the soft whimper of protest he heard from her for that, only to start kissing down her throat. Sucking first at her pulse point and the beautiful sound that left her lips made his blood move south quickly...

"Benny..." she whispered with one hand in his hair, the other clinging to the fabric of his coat at his shoulder...

They heard the sound of someone coughing behind them and they froze.

Her breathing was quick, in sync with her heartbeat, completely at the mercy of his lips.

He placed a soft kiss on her lips and smiled "I think we've to stop here... for now".

She smiled, blushing, and she sank back into her chair, without however breaking physical contact with him and holding his hand.

He was too distracted admiring her beauty, every feature... she was now his girlfriend. Or so he'd make it clear to her later. And he couldn't be happier.


Frida had always thought she had a good control over her body and her feelings. But Benny was proving her wrong. That man could make her melt in his arms with his kisses. And that was exactly what he was doing.

He was kissing and literally adoring her lips like she was the only woman he'd ever wanted. Like he'd been waiting an eternity to kiss her.

And her heart was filled with joy in that moment. The way his hands caressed her hips, her back, like he didn't want to let go. She was discovering something new about him that day: he was possessive.

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