I see red (part 1)

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Hello hello! Well, we're particularly enjoying this thing and so... more to come from me and lialyngstad !!
We hope you enjoy this one 😜


Bobbing his head up and down rhythmically, eyes closed to better feel the vibrations of the tambourine and guitar mixed together, Phil made a little grimace when he heard a wrong note here and there, stopping the track every single time to write something on his notepad.

The previous night he had a sort of flash of inspiration about that song and he really needed to fix it definitely that day.


Phil turned his head quickly and smiled "No, no. Come in. You're in early".

Frida smiled from the wooden door of the console room and entered, closing the door behind herself.

"How are you, workaholic?" Frida stuck her tongue out at him, leaning in to give him a warm hug and a kiss on his cheek.

"Good. And thank you for the workaholic, by the way" he chuckled "How are you, my dear?".

Frida took off her heavy dark green coat and placed it on the sofa together with her bag before sitting next to him in front of the large console.

"Good" she said laconically, taking a deep breath and smiling a little at him.


Frida shrugged "Nothing".

"No, come on. I can see that there is something in this sigh of yours. What happened?".

Frida chuckled and leaned back in the comfortable black tilting chair, stretching her legs and resting them on the console slowly "You're starting to know me too well, master. That's not good".

Phil laughed and stretched his legs out on the console too, playfully touching her foot with his own "I think it's very good. We're a good team. We understand each other. We like each other. What more do you want?" he told her with a cheeky smirk.

"Oh, you shush" Frida rolled her eyes and chuckled, resting her head on her hand, looking at him calmly. Phil was this and much more; he was able to calm her down and give her security. Something she desperately needed.

"I got a call last night" Frida began, picking at a small crease in her brown pants.

"Okay..." Phil said, waiting for her to continue, already sensing where the discussion would lead.

"And... Well... Görel called me... You remember her, right?" she waited for him to nod in agreement "Well, she told me that she'd be stopping by the studio today... together with Benny and Björn" she finished quickly.

Phil sighed and placed his notepad on the console table "Oh my God... These two don't understand, do they?".

Frida sighed and dropped her head forward "Phil... You need to understand that...".

"There's nothing to understand, Frida" Phil stopped her, looking at her seriously "You don't have to justify yourself. Nor do you have to justify them. Let me ask you something: are you working on your album?" he asked, waiting for her to nod slowly "Good. Are you working on your album alone?"

Frida sighed and ran her hands over her face, frustrated.

Phil looked at her before lowering his legs and resting his elbows on his knees "Frida... It's your album. Yours. Not mine, nor anyone else's. Yours. And If you don't like something, you just have to say so" .

"It's not that" Frida replied, sighing and lowering her legs too "It's not the fact that something doesn't suit me... It's just that... I don't want to disappoint anyone, okay? I don't want to disappoint you by accepting their proposal; to disappoint them because, despite everything that may have happened... they are still Benny and Björn to me...".

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