That's me (part 3)

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Benny woke up and inhaled deeply, realizing within seconds that his face was sinking into a cloud of hair.

He opened his tired eyes briefly and smiled slightly 'It was all real, then'.

He had an arm over her waist and her back was fused with his front. Their legs tangled. Even though they'd been together before, he still wasn't much used to having her there like that. He wasn't actually really used to having the same woman there with him every time. But it was great.

His study of her bare back was interrupted by a buzz that shattered the religious silence of the room.

Frowning, Benny rose slightly to look at the foot of the bed, where he assumed the noise was coming from, and saw her cell phone light up, half out of the pocket of her pants abandoned without care on the floor. He grimaced and grabbed a small pillow that somehow had ended up on the bedside table and he threw it in the direction of the phone, muttering a very light "Bingo!" when he hit his target.

There was no chance that she'd get out of that bed, not for a while at least. He returned to her warm body and snuggled behind her, burying his face in her hair again. When he slipped his hand around her hips, he felt her hand catch his wrist.

"Did you throw a pillow on my phone?" she said hoarsely from sleep, without opening her eyes.

He took a few moments to answer "How did you see me?".

"Answer me, Benny" she continued.

"Hmm... No, don't think so" he answered innocently.

"You sure?" she said sarcastically, raising her eyebrows still with her eyes closed "Then why did you throw the pillow at my pants where happens to be my cell phone?".

He groaned "I don't know where your phone is. I don't care. I was sleeping. I'm sleeping" and he abandoned his head on the pillow, closing his eyes.

"You're a liar" Frida chuckled, her tone indecipherable whether amused or scolding. She rolled over and propped herself up on her elbow.

He looked at her with half closed eyes "Do you know it's a sin if you say good morning to your man by insulting him like that?" he pouted.


"You said I'm a liar".

"And I reconfirm it" she said, hinting at a smile.

"I hate your phone. Who the hell calls you at this hour?".

She turned her head towards the clock on the bedside table "It's 9 in the morning. It's a proper time to call someone" she said matter-of-factly.

"No, it's not" he said petulantly and then buried his head back into her pillow, pulling her towards him "My head hurts".

She snorted "Of course it hurts, if you hadn't drunk so much, perhaps..." even though her words were said with a hint of reproach, she stretched her hand to brush away some strands that had fallen in front of his eyes and caressed his head. Then she turned to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Hey, where are you going?" he moaned, opening one eye and watching her.

"To get my phone" she replied, looking around for something to wear. She stopped from getting up to retrieve his pajama top resting on the chair in the corner when she felt him behind her.

"Who cares... Stay in bed with me, we just made up, we haven't seen each other for weeks... I need you" he muttered while he peppered her shoulder with little kisses.

She turned her head to him, a smile on her lips "I'm right here, love" she kissed his cheekbone, the part closest to her lips "But it might be important. Just a second" she said conciliatory and stood up, grabbing the top on the way.

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