Super Trouper (part 5)

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Some time later...

"Just a little higher, what do you think?".

"Yes, yes. I agree".

"Right? Just half a tone".

"Exactly. Just that and it's perfect".


Benny rubbed a hand on his long beard and fiddled with some keys on the console, arranging some things of one of the music from their new musical: "Chess".

Finally everything was almost ready, only the very last details were missing and then they would go on air. The actors had been chosen, the costumes, the lights, the dates... Everything was already beautifully in motion.

He and Björn, perfectionists as they were, had never left the recording studio as they split between there and the theater to oversee all the staging, because they weren't yet perfectly convinced about some pieces. But now it seemed that things were finally falling into place and it really was all set.

Benny felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up.

"I'd say that... Here we go this time!" Björn smiled at him enthusiastically.

Benny nodded "Yes, maybe we're finally there".

"Too much enthusiasm, man. Keep calm" Björn chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets.

Benny snorted "No, I'm really finally satisfied. I didn't sleep full nights for these passages and seeing that they're finally satisfactory seems like a dream to me".

"Satisfactory? Man, for me it's fantastic music!".

Benny hinted a smile and sighed "I can give you a 'good'".

The two chuckled and Benny went back to push a few more buttons on the console.

Björn started moving his head to the beat of the song "One night in Bangkok" that Benny was playing, moving around the console room, when he suddenly smiled "I'm going to the bathroom for a moment" he announced.

Benny didn't even lift his head, one hand supporting his chin, completely concentrated on the music and the console.


Benny frowned, thinking he had misheard, and turned quickly... A beautiful smile showed onto his lips "Hey!" he got up quickly and walked up to the door.

Frida was leaning against the jamb, smiling, with an overly enthusiastic Theo in her arms who was desperately trying to reach his father.


Frida snorted "Oh Gosh, hurry up before he really takes off" she said with a chuckle.

Benny stretched out his arms smiling and grabbed his baby, squeezing him immediately and filling his neck with kisses "Hello, little monster".

The boy laughed and placed his little hands on his dad's bearded cheeks to stop his attack, looking at him happily "Dada!".

Benny laughed "Yeah, that's me. Hi, baby!" and he hugged him again. He then looked to Frida and stretched out an arm towards her "What are you two doing here?".

"Don't tell us these lovely words, love, you'll make us blush" Frida disguised her voice to imitate his and approached him, hugging his side and giving him a long kiss.

Benny chuckled against her lips "Vengeful" he murmured amused.

She chuckled "We missed dada and so we democratically decided to hit the road and join him this weekend. Hoping to surprise him and not distract him from his work".

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