Lay all your love on me (part 5)

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He was still amazed at how, despite almost a year having gone by, every time they were together felt like the first time, but also like the thousandth time: knowing each other and discovering new things; knowing each other's taste, but with a flutter in the stomach every single time.

Sometimes he stopped to think how long had he wanted that? Months? Years? He'd never really seen it coming until he was in the middle of it, but now he knew she was all he wanted, and to his amazement, it seemed that it was the same for her too.

He still had to finish his suitcase and go fill up the car and confirm the booked hotel...

Finally. The big opportunity had finally arrived. After so much tribulation, after so much tension, sessions, failures and small and big successes, the big opportunity had finally arrived: after being noticed as the opening group for a concert by The Eagles, his band would play at the IFU Arena in Uppsala... and just a few days earlier they had told them that there would be a full house.

Hearing that news, Benny had felt like he'd been walking on clouds ever since.

He smiled blissfully as Frida framed his face with her hands, deepening her kiss, and he squeezed her hips.

Nothing compared to that, though.

Though he finally felt thrilled for a less uncertain future in that boundless and difficult world of music, she was his constant. She was the point of value between the fluctuating notes of his life, which was exalting and carrying his music to unknown tones. His entire life.

At that precise moment, he wanted Frida and Frida wanted him, and there would have been no suitcase or hotel to book that would have stood the comparison. He wasn't going to wait any longer.

Tearing his mouth from hers, he attacked her throat with kisses as his fingers went to the hem of her shirt, pulling away from her just long enough to yank it off over her head. She giggled at his enthusiasm and he grinned against her skin.

They slowly arrived in the bedroom and Benny took long moments to observe her semi-naked, with tousled hair, lips still red from the lipstick, in her eyes the luxuriant gaze of someone who was starting to lose control.

Benny slid his hands up her back. Her breasts were perfect, exactly the right size for his hands, and he took advantage of that at once, cupping them and squeezing before lowering his head to nuzzle her through her bra.

Pressing them together, he trailed his tongue over the seam he'd made, and she yanked on his hair.

"You're overdressed" she panted.

"Hmm... Who cares... I'm busy..." he muttered, reaching behind her to unhook her bra and pull it off her before burying his face between her breasts, teasing her with his lips and tongue. Biting her.

She loved the scratch of his beard against her skin and smiled against his hair, breathing in his scent and pulling him closer to her.

Benny spun them both almost blindly and they lay down on the bed without ever breaking their contact. He ground himself against her with a groan, pushing her skirt up nearly to her waist until only her knickers and his jeans were separating them. Needing to breathe, he barely moved from her and her addicting skin, wanting to see her sprawled beneath him.

It took a physical effort to wrench himself away from her, then he was stripping her totally and quickly, throwing her various clothes around the room. He got on his knees before her and observed her for a long time, alternating languid caresses with warm kisses. She tasted like roses and fresh and love, as he knew she would.

Suddenly, the home phone started ringing. Benny groaned loudly, burying his face in her chest.

"Damn it".

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