Angel Eyes (part 2)

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Have a beautiful Christmas, my friends! :D


Frida opened her eyes slowly, becoming aware of her room. With the hand that she had placed next to her face, she lifted a few strands from her eyes and then sighed deeply, laying back on the bed. She remained in that position for a few minutes, then curled up on the other side, sighing again.

On the bedside table she looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was nearly 7pm.

"Oh, gosh..." she moaned, running a hand over her eyes, ordering herself to really wake up.

She lay down at about 4pm to rest her eyes for a while and she woke up 3 hours later. Looking back at the bedside table, she reached out and grabbed the abandoned cell phone, turning it on and seeing a flood of calls and texts.

Her eyes widened, worried 'Oh God, I'm dead' she thought.

Quickly, she looked through the calls, most of them from Benny and some from her son Hans.

She then moved on to the texts, obviously finding a flood of Benny's.

'Hey, I've just arrived. Talk later xx'.

'The guy before is taking a lot more time than usual, it'll be a long wait, I think'.

'Babe, you've to come and see the paintings they put up recently... They're awful'.

'Seriously... Worst than Björn's'.

'Should I get something for dinner?'.

'Yu-hu? Is anybody there?'.

'... Love?'.

'Frida, seriously, where are you?'.

'Hey, If it's a joke, it's starting not to be funny anymore'.

'Frida! Where are you?? Is everything ok??'.

Then there was a break of about an hour which probably corresponded to the moment of the many repeated unanswered phone calls.

She immediately tried to call him back, sighing and closing her eyes, knowing what a huge fight would soon break out. But the call went on voicemail. So she immediately opened the messages and typed one in which she apologized to him, telling him that she had fallen asleep and she had only woken up at that moment.

Then she immediately called her son, sensing that probably Benny had called him. In the distance, she heard a telephone ring in the house and recognized the ringtone.


"Hans... You... But... Where are you?" she asked, frowning and slowly sitting up on the bed.

"I'm downstairs, I'm coming up to you".

Frida remained for a few seconds without saying anything and then she closed her eyes "Ok" and closed the call.

Seconds later, the door opened and Hans walked in "Hey".

"Hey" Frida smiled, reaching out a hand to him, which he grabbed and sat down next to her, kissing and giving her a quick hug.

"You gave us a good scare" Hans told her, chuckling.

Frida put a hand on her face "Oh God, I'm mortified. I fell into a deep sleep, I only woke up a few minutes ago".

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