I wonder

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"You sure you're ok?".

Frida blinked hard and looked up from her earrings to the image of Benny behind her, reflected in the mirror. They had decided to go to their friend Andy's birthday party to decompress, to have some fun after a full week. Well, weeks, plural. In that long period, she had been very ill and he very busy until late at night for days and days.

That day in particular, she had zoned out more and more times in the studio, even missing some intros. That really never happened, so much so that she had returned home earlier at the invitation of the others to clear her mind.

He knew that something was going on in her mind and around her, he had known for a while now, awakening early in the morning to find her already awake, or with a lipstick in hand while she gazed into space more than once.

"Yeah" she reassured him, sighing and quickly putting on her earrings.

Benny watched her for a long moment before slowly approaching, running his eyes over her figure. He came up behind her and put his lips against her shoulder "We don't have to go, you know?" he murmured, slipping his arms around her hips, caressing her stomach. His fingers felt perfect on her body, his warmth against her back was almost invigorating, making her realize how her choice of that particular outfit was a bit too daring for that climate.

"Why you say that?" Frida asked, placing her hands on his and stroking his smooth skin.

He shrugged, looking at her through the mirror "It's been a long day... You seem a little pale... We could...".

She snorted "No, I'm ok. Don't worry" she reassured him, looking into his eyes that were having the strange effect to quiet her confused thoughts in her mind.

She felt Benny fill his lungs with air and then exhale long before moving his face away and turning her gently towards him. She let him move her like a puppeteer moved a doll, feeling her limbs heavy and slow, and he wrapped his arms around her again to hug her. His gaze passed over her body several times, making her feel almost like a painting as the painter's soft brush passed over and over again, stroke after stroke, to create his wonder.

She blushed and her lips parted slightly, feeling almost embarrassed under his eyes. Nonsense.

His gaze ended up on her face and smiled, seeing her slightly flushed "You're beautiful... Almost too beautiful" he brought his face close to hers and kissed her softly.

She smiled "Really?".

"Hmm, hmm" he nodded, brushing his nose against hers "This outfit should be illegal".

She laughed out loud, throwing her head back and then sliding her hands down his chest, playing with the lapels of his jacket "Indeed!".

"Yeah..." he grinned "You know I love you with the pants on..." he murmured captivatingly, sliding his hands up her hips, rubbing his fingers on the soft black fabric.

She made a face "I thought the opposite...".

They laughed and he moved her hips against his own mockingly "That too... Especially without!" he kissed her quickly "But I love them on too sometimes. And then... this shirt... Gosh ..." he said dreamily, staring at the almost transparent black blouse that covered the dark bra on which his eyes rested more than usual. He left one hand on her hip as his other continued to stroke her side and reach up to her breast beneath the bra, allowing a defiant thumb to play with it, causing her breath to quicken.

His languid eyes slowly lifted to her face and he smiled, finally seeing a slight relaxation in her features that had seemed so tense to him at the time.

She sighed and dropped her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his neck and shifting her weight against his body. He hugged her and stroked her back, only the very light fabric of the shirt dividing him from her bare skin "Hmm, but as much as I love this shirt, I'd prefer it on the floor or in the wardrobe" he murmured in her ear, smiling when he heard her chuckle.

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