Gimme gimme gimme (part 1)

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🎶"But baby, believe me
It's better to forget me!"🎶

Frida threw her arms in the air and urged the audience to follow the rhythm of 'Why Did It Have to Be Me?', one of her favorite songs to perform on stage. Maybe it was the fast pace, the change of vocal scenery she performed with Björn or maybe just the fact that it allowed her to let her body and mind go to the rhythm of the music... Almost always.

The last notes were played and she took a step forward, raising a hand towards Björn not far away, who immediately grabbed it and together they bowed in front of the audience's ovations.

Soon after, Frida ran after Benny and Björn behind the scenes, having to change before the new interlude of the concert with Agnetha's return.

"Woah! Everything was perfect!" Björn said, smiling and taking a towel to wipe his face.

"It was!" echoed Tomas, smiling and slumping into a chair to catch his breath.

"Dear partner, it's always a pleasure" Frida smirked, making a half bow that Björn imitated, laughing.

"But what happened to you this evening, Frida?" Stig asked, taking a puff of his cigar and approaching.

"What do you mean?" Frida replied, starting to undo her boots.

"Usually, when this song comes up, you're... electric! This time you barely moved!".

Frida looked down at her boots "Oh... Nothing" she smiled "I focused more on singing than on anything else... And then, I gave all the space to Björn, sometimes I've to stroke his ego a little bit" she winked.

"Thank you, ma'am" Björn said, laughing "But I like it more when you go wild on stage, I'm not so young anymore!".

The three laughed and then Frida felt a hand slide down her back.

"Everything ok?" Benny asked, looking at her.

Frida hinted at a smile "Yes, everything ok. Why?".

Benny shrugged "I don't know, you looked... undertone out there".

"Benny! If this is Frida undertone, leave her like this! Everything was perfect. She was perfect" Tomas intervened, approaching her and kissing her on the cheek.

Benny glared at him "I didn't say she sang badly, I just said---".

"If for once she doesn't want to jump through hoops on stage, that's okay" Tomas interrupted him again, smiling at Frida.

Benny turned and looked straight into his eyes "Can I ask my wife questions, Tomas, or do I have to ask your permission on what I can tell her?".

Tomas looked at him with wide eyes "No... Benny ... Man, I was just---".

"Yes, I know what you were just doing, but I invite you to mind your own business from time to time" he told him coldly.

Tomas looked at him confused.

"Well, thanks everyone for your unsolicited opinions about my performance. But I decide If and how to move on stage" Frida replied, irritated, and quickly walked away towards the dressing rooms to change.

Benny sighed in irritation and followed her.

"Frid... Frida... Frida stop for a moment" he quickly reached her and grabbed her arm "Hey, don't be mad at me, I didn't say anything".

Frida broke free from his grip "I'm not mad at you, but I don't understand all this interest in If and how I move on stage! I didn't want to get too tired tonight, what's wrong with that?".

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