Lay all your love on me (part 2 PLUS+)

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Frida woke up and slowly blinked her eyelids to get used to the penetrating golden light of the sun from the open windows, forgetfulness of the previous night.

She looked up at the bedside table without lifting her head from the soft pillow, her right arm on it as she lay on her left side.


Still early to start that Sunday.

A slow smile formed on her lips as she felt solid heat brush against her back and she slowly turned away, twisting in the sheet to see Benny fast asleep beside her. He lay on his back, curled up towards his left side, one hand stretched out towards her, his long hair adorably mussed.

She smiled satisfied, she was the culprit of all that.

Her body reacted almost unconsciously and she let a hand slowly slide on the mattress and end up brushing with her fingertips some strands that had fallen over his eyes.

She liked to have him there, in her bed, in her house, in her life.

Frida sighed deeply and got as close to him as possible, without wanting to wake him up. He seemed so relaxed and she was content just to be beside him.

She didn't know how much time had passed, but suddenly he stirred in his sleep and blinked quickly, catching a glimpse of her figure a short distance from him.

"Hey..." he said in a sleepy voice.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty" she teased him with a smile.

He groaned and slid across the mattress until he was on top of her, making her laugh.

"Uff, Benny!" she laughed, hugging him to her.

He buried his face into her neck and wrapped her in his arms, putting most of the weight of his body on her "Who you just called sleeping beauty?" his muffled voice arrived to her ears.

She continued to laugh as he showered kisses on her neck and chest.

Her body reacted to his ministrations and melt back against the mattress, succumbing to him, enjoying the feel of his tongue on her collarbones, on that spot behind her ear that drove her crazy. But she couldn't let him win this time, she couldn't let him take the reins again after the night before.

"Just you" she groaned in his ear with a laugh.

Frida slid her hands up his back, rubbing her nails against his lower back, smirking when she felt him arching against her. Her breathing caught on briefly as she felt his manhood rub against her thigh, but she continued with her mission and slid her hands up his hips, starting to tickle him.

Benny reacted immediately, letting out a small squeal and curling up to escape her attack.

The fight lasted a few long seconds, until she managed to escape his hands that were trying to block her own and pushed him onto the bed, leaving him no way out.

Although he was physically stronger, she was agile and quick and could elude his defenses as if nothing had happened.

When she saw his face flushed with his laughter, she stopped and rolled onto her side, trying to free herself from the sheets, which had twisted around her ankles, to run away.

But he didn't waste a moment and threw her back against him, pinning her to her side, holding her wrists and pushing her back against his chest, reveling in her outraged yells mixed with her laughter.

Oh, he was totally gone for her.

When they both calmed down, breathing hard and bodies slightly perspiring, Benny started to leave her long kisses along her neck.

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