You Owe Me One (part 1)

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"And a side of potatoes and salad. Oh, and some bread too. Thanks".

The waiter nodded with a smile before quickly walking away to take the order to the kitchen.

Frida twirled the glass with her wine between her fingers, her eyes tracking all the people inside the restaurant, studying them, noticing every single detail.

She had always liked to observe.

Her gaze then focused on the white liquid of her iced wine that she had ordered several minutes ago, observing the ripples against the glass, the rivulets of condensation sliding on the transparent surface.

She checked the watch on her wrist and crossed her toned and long legs wrapped in the dark tights she had bought that morning. She adjusted her skirt with her hands, lowering it slightly, and then checked her watch again.

She sighed deeply when another handful of minutes had passed and she cursed under her breath. She wasn't sure If she felt more anger or sadness or self-pity at being there, alone, waiting for who knows what. She also felt pain that crossed her eyes and her face for an instant, invisible to most.

Frida took off the orchid that she had tied to her wrist and threw it on the table in annoyance, inadvertently causing it to fall to the floor.

Then, she frowned and turned to her left when she heard a giggle.

"You okay?".

Frida's eyes widened briefly and then frowned again in confusion, creating a slight ripple between her brown eyes... No, green. Dark green. Perfectly contoured with eyeliner and mascara...

She had gorgeous eyes.


"Did that flower do anything bad to you?".

She looked at him more confused "N ... No. I'm okay" she answered and bent down to retrieve the flower, but he was faster and in a few moments he picked it up, handing it to her.

"It's a shame, it's very beautiful".

She almost snatched it from his hand and nodded "Yeah. It is. Thanks" and she tucked a brown curl of hair behind her ear.

"Stood up?".

Frida glared at him with anger for his presumption and bravado "Excuse me?".

He smirked amused, noticing the fire burning in her irises "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude" he immediately clarified "But I think we're in the same situation" he explained, pointing to the empty chair at her table and the one at his table.

She looked at him with her mouth slightly open and then shook her head "I'm... I'm not. You're wrong" she answered in a rush of self-protection.

He looked at her for a few moments and then smiled "I see. Well, I am" he shrugged nonchalantly. In truth, he cared little about that situation, he had said yes to that blind date only because his friends had almost begged him to meet this 'special girl' who he thought was 'special' only because of her pronounced curves and her being carefree and simple. Bland, lacking in intrigue, If they wanted his opinion.

"But... that's okay. I didn't even want to come tonight" he added with a chuckle, taking a sip of his wine.

Frida narrowed her eyes and took some moments before speaking, even If she didn't even know why she was continuing with that discussion with a total stranger "So why did you come?".

He took a few moments to savor his drink, hiding a satisfied smile behind the rim of the glass, before replying "To try something new and different. But I'm not very lucky, as you can see" he smiled again, looking at her.

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