Super Trouper (part 2)

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"We're almost done, Mrs. Lyngstad".

Frida kept her eyes closed as the makeup artist gave her a final touch up on her makeup.

They had been there for less than an hour and in a hurry she was almost ready to go on stage and present the top single from the new album. The broadcast was important, it was one of the most important channels in Copenhagen, nothing could go wrong.

"Finished" the makeup artist smiled.

"Thank you so much" Frida smiled at her and got up, retrieving her gloves from the table and heading towards the door, where a small group of people, including her collaborators and assistants, were waiting to lead her behind the scenes.

"Everything is ok?" Eloise asked her, suddenly materializing beside her.

"Yes, everything ok. We can go" Frida replied, putting on her gloves. Eloise was her personal assistant when Görel couldn't and... not that the woman was unprofessional or inefficient... But she wasn't Görel , she lacked warmth.

She sighed, she took a last look at her dress, fixing a small fold on her side, and then saw the backstage in the distance, hearing loud and clear the audience in the studio clapping. They stopped not far away, there was still a few minutes left before her performance and Frida took a few moments to take a few deep breaths and focus.

"Frida? There is a call for you" Eloise touched her shoulder and handed her the phone, her gaze a little annoyed by that interruption.

Frida turned to her, frowning, and hesitantly took the phone "Now? Who is it?".

Eloise just looked up at her from her folder and started walking away "It's a private phone call. Urgent".

Frida watched her go away for a few seconds and then looked at the mobile phone, an anonymous number on the screen "Hello?".

"... I was almost forgetting how beautiful you're up close".

Frida lost a heartbeat and straightened her back "Benny... I've been trying to hear from you all day... Where were you?" she told him breathlessly.

She heard him chuckle "Long story. It's all a matter of... changes of position".

Frida frowned, not understanding "Changes of position? What does it mean?" then she stopped abruptly "Wait a minute..." she started looking around frantically "Where are you?".

She heard him laugh again "Ooohh, love, closer than you think".

Frida continued to look around with wide eyes until she saw him.

Next to a side door, leaning against the wall, there was her husband. Pink jacket and shirt, dark blue pants, perfectly groomed hair and beard, his head tilted to the side while he smiled at her, the phone against his ear.

Frida stared at him for a few seconds, motionless, until she felt a heat in her chest that she hadn't felt for so long and wrap her like a warm blanket and, almost without realizing it, she began to move at an increasingly brisk pace, until she almost started to run.

When they were within walking distance, Benny put the phone in his pocket and walked towards her, until their bodies collided. Frida wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him, her eyes closed. Benny wrapped his arms around her hips and lifted her off the ground, sinking his face into her neck.

"Hi..." Benny murmured against her skin, smiling.

Frida couldn't answer him, her throat closed and tears starting to flow down her face without meaning to.

Benny shifted slightly away from her, still holding her, and looking at her "Hey! Don't cry..." he chuckled.

Frida laughed, wiping her tears with one hand "What are you doing here?".

"Oh well, you know... I was just passing by and so..." he laughed.

Frida looked into his eyes and then she didn't hold back anymore and kissed him, sinking her hands into his soft hair. Benny responded immediately, smiling against her lips and holding her close. He put her feet back on the ground again and moved his hands to frame her face.

It had been more than a month since he had felt her warmth, her lips, her hands on him and he couldn't even understand what was keeping him from dragging her away from there in that instant.

"Ahem... Sorry".

The two broke away and turned, Eloise a short distance away.

"Sorry, but it's time" she said to Frida with downcast eyes and immediately walked away.

Frida chuckled "It's the first time I've seen her embarrassed". She felt a hand slide down her cheek, turning her face, and then she found Benny's lips against hers again.

"Go... Hurry up... I'll wait for you here" he told her against her lips, grinning.

Frida looked at him with shining eyes and squeezed his shirt with one hand, not wanting to leave him, fearing that he might disappear "Don't you dare to move" she murmured to him and then she walked away, still looking at him.

He cocked his head to the side, hands in his pockets and smiled at her, watching her disappear up the stairs.

TBC ...

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