Little piano player (part 2)

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"And how much will it cost you, I'm sorry?".

"Eh, it's a big purchase, but I'm in love with it" Benny said with a huge smile.

Björn laughed and patted him on the knee "My friend, I envy your cars, but I don't envy your bank account".

Benny laughed "Me neither".

"It seems strange to me that Frida hasn't already torn your head off with these crazy expenses of yours" Rutger intervened, taking a drag on his cigarette.

"Rest assured that If it's not my head that she'll cut off, it will certainly be an arm" Benny replied, snorting.

Björn laughed "Or a leg. Just try to limit her to the limbs, my friend, and don't put an end to the possible future Andersson dynasty in the world".

The three laughed when the phone office rang.

Rutger answered "Hello? Hey, Frida, we were just talking about you".

Benny put a hand on his face at his friend's words.

Rutger laughed "Of course, Frida, it can only be because Benny did some stupid thing. Yes, he's here, I'll put him on. Bye!".

Benny quickly put out his cigarette, got up from his chair and picked up the phone "Hey".

"Benny? But are you still there?".

"Um... Yes, you're the one who should already be here".


Benny ran a hand through his hair "Frida, today we have the video footage of "Super Trouper". In about..." he looked at the watch on his wrist "Two hours... We all agreed on meeting here with everyone to leave only with one car and the rest of the crew with the vans. Do you remember?".

Frida was silent for a few moments and then replied "I thought you'd come home to pick me up... I thought we agreed so".

Benny rubbed his eyes to stay calm, it was still morning and already the day had been full and problematic. He had woken up very early because he had necessarily had to go to the studio to fix some things before having to leave and go out of Stockholm to shoot the video for who knows how many hours. And he hadn't even had time for breakfast.

"No, Anni-Frid, obviously we didn't agree so. You forget everything these days" he said in a low but nervous tone, trying not to be overheard by the others, which was impossible since they were all in the same room, however much the others tried to pretend not to be listening.

Frida sighed and closed her eyes, frustrated and unnerved by everything... Nothing was right the last few weeks "Okay, okay. Sorry, you're probably right".

Benny sighed for a long time and then said "Ok, listen... Now that I think about it, I've to go home and get some things. I'll be there in 20 minutes, be ready".

"No, Benny. Really, there is no need. I can---".

"No, I'll come home to get you. We will go with two cars. So, see you soon. Okay?".

Frida hesitated a few moments and then muttered "Ok" and Benny closed the call before she could say goodbye to him.

Benny stood up from the arm of the sofa he was leaning on and said "Okay, guys, as you must have pretended not to hear, I've to go get Frida at home" he said annoyed.

"Don't worry, we have enough time" Gunnar said.

Benny snorted "Yeah, we have enough time and then there is Frida's ability to waste time in the least opportune situations" he shook his head.

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