When All is Said and Done (part 1)

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Benny shook off his coat to remove the droplets left by the light snow that had started falling half an hour ago. For this reason, the warm atmosphere of the club booked that evening was greatly appreciated as he passed his coat with a smile to the cloakroom attendant at the entrance. Taking advantage of a mirror right next to him, he took a few moments to adjust the collar of his shirt and the blonde quiff that had fortunately kept its shape from home.

He turned towards the crowd of people chatting and drinking drinks while he recognized the first friendly faces and waved, but without approaching anyone.

He reached into his pocket and touched the pack of cigarettes while he looked around.

"Hey, here he comes! The magician!".

Benny turned to his right and smirked "Say it loud" he joked and shook hands with Demis, giving him a quick hug and turning to her girlfriend, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't come anymore".

"It's snowing and the roads are slippery, I lost some time in the car. But now the party can begin" Benny chuckled.

"Opa!" Demis exclaimed loudly and her fiancée echoed him and some other guests, laughing and raising their glasses.

Benny laughed and looked up briefly and then he saw her.

She was near the bar, elbow on the counter as she sipped her glass slowly, her eyes looking around, watching everything and nothing. Benny cocked his head slightly to the side and took a few moments to admire her from afar.

She had her hair free on her shoulders... Her long hair that sometimes seemed black, sometimes brown, sometimes red. A few strands of her hair fell softly along her cheek, brushing the corner of her mouth.

He had a sudden urge to touch her.

He gave and received some more pats on the shoulder and kiss on the cheek before he could slide besides her, looking at the bartender and signaling for a glass of whiskey, not sparing her not even a glance now. The bartender nodded with a little smile and started working, just then he turned his gaze on her.

She was even more stunning up close. Her makeup, her lips, her long fingers playing with the glass of what seemed to be champagne, the neckline of her dress.

This time it was she who didn't turn towards him, despite feeling his eyes on her, but rather continued to stare at a distant point. But Benny knew her and knew that she knew that he was there. The air between them already electric.

That wasn't the first time they played that game. They needed to. And he knew that she basked in the chance to make him nervous, to catch him off guard before laughing at one of his jokes and throwing away her mask. At least between them.

He knew he was weak in her hands. He had never been like this, he had always been the one leading in all the relationships he had had. He had always been the one to decide. But she did with him whatever she wanted. And in that moment, he really just wanted to get closer to her and smell her neck, in that particular point where her scent was clearer and deeper. The same scent mixed with her perfume that he had smelled a few hours before in her bedroom.

The bartender returned with his glass and left it in front of him with a black napkin. Benny nodded his thanks, finally diverting his gaze from her.

He took a sip and let it burn down his throat, a good distraction from her and the warmth she emanated. He was almost stunned by the way her fingers played with her glass and the napkin, lazily. Her long fingers with her perfect, manicured deep red fingernails.

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