I Am Just a Girl

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Swedish spring was a very small span of time that lasted more or less a few hours, or so most used to say. Therefore, it was necessary to immediately take advantage of the sunny and more or less warm days that the period offered if it was necessary, for example, to make a promotional photo shoot.

"Okay, now can you please look down a bit and lift your chin slightly?".

Benny's eyes took a split second longer to follow her directions without a word. He tried to hide a smile that threatened to ruin the pose for the photo she'd asked for, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but lift slightly as he looked down and then took a light breath, slowly lifting his chin a few inches more.

He held back for the umpteenth time from smirking, because that way he could look sideways at the camera and who was behind it.

"Perfect... Stay still... Okay, one more and then we're done" Frida told him, her face almost totally hidden by her big black camera, her body bent over as she tried to find the best angle to take the perfect photo.

Benny looked up at the camera again and cracked an amused smile.

Frida chuckled "Benny... Just wait another second and then I swear we're really done" she told him in a fake bored tone.

Benny chuckled "It's not my fault! You've a white butterfly fluttering around your head" he pointed a finger at her.

Frida raised her head slightly and saw a small white butterfly gracefully circling a couple more times before flying away quickly. She smiled "She's beautiful" and turned to him, finding him watching her with a smile.

"Yep... she is" he told her, smiling more.

Frida suddenly felt her cheeks grow warm as they gazed at each other at a distance, until she looked down at the camera, fiddling with it a bit.

She cleared her throat "Ehm... Okay... Last one and we're done, as I said" she informed him again.

He nodded a couple of times, still smiling "As you wish".

She looked up at him and pursed her lips "Could you... fix your hair for a moment?".

He pulled his hands out of his trouser pockets and began to move his hair, the light wind that was blowing made any attempt to fix them futile, but at least the temperature out there was perfect.

"No... A little more to the right... Yes, like that... No! You... Wait" Frida said and then walked briskly towards him, reaching forward and fixing a stray curl from his forehead.

She didn't know why or how, but she realized too late that her fingers trailed along his bare skin for a moment too much, finding his beautiful blue eyes fixed on her once again.

'Damn it, Frida... Get a grip'.

She pulled away silently and picked up the camera that dangled from her neck again, angled it and focusing it now at close range.

This time, Benny stared straight at the camera, head cocked slightly to the right. Frida stopped to stare at him into the lens, taking note of everything: his tousled blond hair, his thick and long sideburns, his smooth skin, his slight beard, his perfect lips, his unbuttoned yellow shirt...

Frida sighed for a long time and repeated to herself to stop and return to the perfect working machine she was.

Benny noticed her hesitation to snap and her silence and he enjoyed seeing her body and what he could see of her lips tightening from all the thoughts that were flowing through her mind like a raging river.

He smiled a second after she started to take pictures of him again. The noise of her camera was the only thing audible around them apart from the nature noises of the field where she had decided to hold the photo shoot for the cover of his new solo album.

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