When All is Said and Done (part 2)

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Frida came out of the bathroom after having freshened up quickly and looked around for Benny in the large room that was becoming increasingly crowded, full of artists and producers. The music had been played slightly louder and someone had started to occupy various corners of the room to start dancing while the alcohol and food continued to flow. It was a big gather. That evening agreements and contracts would have been concluded, collaborations and friendships would have been formed.

That brief pause had given her the opportunity to get her thoughts back on track and calm down, trying to understand how and what to do now. After that morning, she didn't think she'd be so calm around him once they had a chance to talk again, but the truth was that she was more involved with that man than she wanted to admit and it scared her. Beyond the doubts and second thoughts that he was unable to remove from her head.

She caught a glimpse of him again at the bar, sitting on a stool as he took small sips of his whiskey, holding her still mostly untouched champagne glass nearby. She took a deep breath and walked to him with a determined step, smiling at some acquaintances who greeted her as she passed, but without stopping.

She was a few meters away from him when he looked up and spotted her, smiling without taking his eyes off her.

He had already looked at her from behind, now he could admire her body from the front wrapped in that dress whose fabric he knew well wnough, since he had already seen it in her wardrobe other times. Benny smiled and cocked his head slightly to the side, something he often did when he was interested in something; something he was obsessed with.

He winked at her and smiled more when that act stole a little smile from her that she tried to hide and he knew that he had a good chance of righting the screw up he had done that morning.

She sat on the stool next to him, her legs touching his because of the many people around who forced them to stay close enough to hear each other better. She put a hand on his thigh without thinking as she straightened out her dress and placed her bag on the counter. When she withdrew it, it took every ounce of his willpower not to snatch it again and put it back there.

He looked at her, really looked at her, and he realized that he knew her smile, her pout, her eyes, her lips, her hands... He knew her body like his own by now and he knew well that the lust for each other was the last of their problems. Since the first time they had seen each other.

"So" she started, swallowing and taking a deep breath "You wanted to talk".

"Not here" he smiled, his gaze fixed on her.

She turned with a little frown "You said and said again you wanted to talk to me now. You made me walk away from my friends...".

"Those aren't your friends".

She raised her eyebrows and looked at him skeptically "No?".

He snorted "No".

"And what do you know exactly?" she crossed her arms over her chest, turning more towards him.

She was adorable.

He smirked and mimicked her position, speaking in a cocky tone "I know it because you never mention them... You never go out together...".

"And that makes them not my friends?".


She shook her head "You know nothing".

"You know I'm right" he insisted, moving closer to her, a glimmer of confidence in his eyes that she knew all too well by now.

She put a hand on his chest and stopped him from getting closer "No. You aren't. And If this show of sass of yours is what you wanted to talk to me about, I don't want to listen to you, then".

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