Lay all your love on me (part 9)

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🤓🤓🤓Hello again... I just can't leave them forever, I'm sorry 🤣


It was pretty simple.

2 lines: Positive.

1 line: Negative.

Frida bit her lower lip and looked anxiously at the 3 packs of pregnancy tests that she had bought a few hours earlier at the pharmacy. She kept repeating in her mind the simple instructions as she held the white plastic sticks in her hand, still waiting and procrastinating the unthinkable.

She sighed and crossed her legs, resting her arms on them and looking somewhere in front of her. She really didn't have an idea of what she wanted the result to be.

She wasn't sure what to hope for: whether they were positive or just a false alarm.

After all, she was just 15 days late, it could happen... It had happened in the past. At the same time, she felt strange. Really strange.

Frida ran a hand over her face and through her hair.



If she was pregnant, what would that mean to them? She had no idea what could have happened. At that moment everything was... stationary.... They didn't see each other much. He had managed with the boys to be signed for gigs all around Sweden and North Europe, they were going strong... and he was away most of time.

He tried his best to come regularly, but that regularly had become 2 weeks alternate per month, then 1 week, then 5 days and now they were at 3 days per month. And she was so frustrated about it.

In a fit of rage, she wished she was pregnant just so she could have him back.

But she immediately shook her head and cursed herself for those thoughts. He was living his dream and she was supposed to be supportive of him, not thinking about how to make him come back and stay. She was suffering, of course she was, but she she loved him and she had to be strong and appear okay with everything for him. Whatever the price to pay was.

Maybe it was better not to be pregnant.

Her relationship with Benny was fun and tender and they were in love, but he didn't need that. Not in that moment, he really did not. And he'd probably resent her for forcing him to be shackled there with her sooner or later.

"Oh my God..." Frida moaned softly as she cupped her face in her hands and tried to calm down "Stop it and just do it" she clapped her hands against her thighs and stood up to prepare herself for the three sticks.

If she were pregnant, what was she supposed to do? Did she really want a child? Did he? She'd have shut up for a while, find a hole in his full agenda to tell him, or just... What? Leave him and hide everything?

Frida closed her eyes and exhaled while she set the alarm on her phone and got out of that suffocating bathroom.

She was alone at home, of course she was. Like she had been for the past 28 days. Because yes, just that month he hadn't been able to come back even for one day.

Frida started to walk up and down the bedroom, her naked feet silent on the plushy cream bedroom carpet that she had always adored. Probably they needed one or two more in the living room. She really loved it.

'Stop it, Frida' she chastised herself for those ramblings.

If she were pregnant, she'd have to move from there. That house was too small for another person and uncomfortable for a child. But she loved that house, their first house...

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