Angel Eyes (part 1)

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- Small premise: I made a mix of situations, in different years that occurred in reality, so... allow me this little creative license xD -
- PS #2: Hot contents in this chapter!


"Okay, one more... Perfect!".

"Agnetha, look more central... Great, thanks".

Click. Click. Click. The photo shoots were as fun as they were incredibly long. They had been there for more than 2 hours and Bubi and his assistants didn't seem to want to put an end to that incessant stream of clicks.

"Okay, now we'll do some sitting down. All right, guys?".

Benny sighed "Are we ever going to get out of here?" he murmured, but enough for the other three to hear.

"I guess not" Björn chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets.

"There's worse, come on" Agnetha said, hinting at a laugh and adjusting a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her eyes.

"Agnetha, look. There's Christian there" Frida said, smiling, gesturing towards a side door of the set.

Agnetha immediately approached her child accompanied by the nanny, Björn followed at a slower pace.

Frida shivered and crossed her arms on her chest, it was starting to get cold with only a shirt on. She looked up and watched Agnetha picking up a smiling Christian. He was adorable, blond and with two very blue eyes, he looked like a little angel. Except that he had an extremely lively and funny personality, a real brat, but extremely sweet even in his pranks as a child. Frida gave a hint of a smile, watching as Björn stood behind Agnetha and lovingly stroked their child's cheek.

"You ok?".

Frida shivered again, this time not from the cold, but when she felt Benny's warm breath against her ear. She just turned her face to look at him and nodded "Yes". She continued walking to the other side of the set where the other pictures'd be taken, hearing Benny's footsteps slowly following her.

Frida sat down on one of the chairs that Bubi's assistants had arranged and looked back at her friends when she heard them laughing loudly, noticing Agnetha ruffling the boy's hair at something he had said. She shifted her gaze behind her when she heard Benny sighing deeply, he also was watching the scene nearby. She took a few seconds to observe him undisturbed since by now there were few times they really saw each other daily: one hand in his pocket, the other resting on the chair in front of him, one foot on the chair. The image of nonchalance and charm.

"He's adorable" Frida said softly.

Benny looked at her and nodded "Yes. He is. He's a little devil, but he's adorable" he concluded with a smile.

Frida chuckled "Yeah".

The silence fell on them again. Frida wrung her hands and grimaced lightly. How many times by now were their days surrounded by very long silences? At work, at home... When they were with the others, alone... How often did their evenings end with one in a room and the other in another... Or one at home and the other out...

Since they had returned from Japan, something had changed between them. Something that was really hard to discuss and therefore to heal. Frida closed her eyes and sighed silently, once again taking it out on herself.


"So, you're the happy couple...".

"Are we?" Agnetha immediately said amused.

"No, we are!" Benny answered confidently and interrupting Agnetha, making everyone laugh.

He hated when those questions were asked to them, so meaningless, so monothematic, so useless.

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