Lay all your love on me (part 1)

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"Oh my God, you're absurd".

"Ah! I'm the absurd one here?!".

"Yup! Exactly! You see ghosts everywhere, you see enemies everywhere!".

She looked at him shocked "I only care about you and I'd hate to see my best friend being made a fool by a girl whose only major quality is to have the shortest miniskirt in Stockholm!".

"You don't even know her! You don't want to know her! She's a good girl!".

"Oh yes! That's right, 'good' is just the first adjective I'd use seeing her for the first time" she said sarcastically.

Benny shook his head, nervous "You're incredible..." he murmured, scrolling through the various vinyls in front of him.

What had started out as an afternoon of relaxation with his special person was turning into a nightmare. The starting plan had been to go get something at the pub, walk around downtown, stop by their favorite vinyl store for a shopping spree, a movie at the cinema and dinner out.

Instead they had bypassed the pub and the downtown tour altogether, starting with teasing and ending with bickering. Then he had almost forcibly dragged her into the shop, where after a very brief pause in which they had walked through two different corridors, they had found themselves in the central one, resuming their bickering, only this time in low voices.

Benny frowned, staring at the records in front of him, but not really looking at them. How did they get to that point? Almost unable to stand each other or not being able to spend more than 10 carefree minutes together as they used to do...

They had known each other for a few years, but a spring was immediately snapped between them as If they had known each other for a lifetime. He had finally found his sparring partner when it came to irony, pungent words, fun, but also to talk, to let off steam and... yes, he admitted it, even to flirt. She was... incredibly seductive and knowing it but not knowing it at the same time made her even more alluring.

Where had it all gone wrong, then?

She had been trying to put some distance between them ever since Christina had come into his life.

He had met her through mutual friends. She was a singer, a certain type, with a mature, strong and determined look. Benny had liked her very much and after a few chance encounters at a concert or a pub, they had started dating.

When he had decided to introduce her to Frida, the result hadn't been at all what he had hoped for. Frida had accepted his proposal to know her very coldly, barely nodding. When they'd met, a heavy silence had fallen between them, leaving the two girls staring at each other sufficiently. He had tried in every way to get them to talk, to involve them in topics that he knew were of interest to both, but nothing had helped.

Obviously, the one who had paid the consequences was him.

On the one hand, Christina, who had given him a long speech about how Frida hated her, how she looked at her haughtily and defiantly, how she sought his attention, how she treated him almost like a boyfriend when he was a mere friend. About how he'd have to walk away from her If he was to continue their story.

On the other, Frida, who had shown him every tiny flaw of Christina, painting various future scenarios in which she described her as the wrong woman for him, in short. And that the sensible thing to do was to leave her.

What was supposed to be the birth of a wonderful friendship between two important people for him had almost turned into a feud.

Despite Christina's constant insistence and her very eloquent disappointments, he had never thought of closing with Frida. She was his best friend, no doubt. She was always there, she had always been there: advising him, looking after him, scolding him, criticizing him, arguing, laughing, listening to him. No, he couldn't close their friendship like someone can close a window when the wind starts blowing and the cold hits like an arrowhead.

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