When All is Said and Done (part 4)

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Hours later, Frida opened her eyes slowly, looking around the dim room. Her gaze wandered to her right and saw Benny lying next to her, sound asleep. She smiled a little and then pulled the blanket tighter around her body, turning to face him.

She took a few long moments to study his innocent and unaware figure, impossible to do when he was awake. He was a bubbly little thing who never sat still, even when he was simply lying on the sofa watching television, he always had something to do whether it was fiddling with some soft ball in his hands or moving his leg slowly. She had always seen it as his unconscious way of releasing the excess energy in his body, which had always made him smile.

She slowly moved a few inches closer to him, not wanting to wake him. That day had been incredible. The emotions of that day had been a real roller coaster that had left them tired, physically and mentally. In the back of her head there was a tingle that forced her to thing that she had almost put him with his back on the wall and forced him to make some decision about the two of them. But his words, his gestures, his eyes... everything seemed to indicate that even If he had had to receive a little push, what he had done hadn't been forced, but desired.

And after months of being in a relationship, she could say that she had finally seen his true and clear commitment to their relationship.

A small smile escaped her when she thought back to how that whole story  had started months ago.


Frida smiled as she watched from a distance Inge and Marie dance funnily in the middle of the dance floor, taking some of the dance steps to extremes. They had begged her to go with them, but those damned new high shoes weren't giving her any peace and she really wasn't in the mood to go hopping around on those devil's tools. So, she remained sitting on one of the bar stools in the corner, enjoying the show from there.


She turned to her right and jumped a little when she saw a man emerge in front of her with a drink in his hand.

"... Hello" Frida replied hesitant, rubbing a hand on her neck and looking back towards the dance floor.

"They left you alone?" he asked with a smirk when she turned around again.

She parted her lips to answer, but then frowned "How do you know someone left me here?".

He chuckled and took a sip of his drink through the straw "You got me, I've been watching you for a while".

Frida raised her eyebrows and turned back to the dance floor without saying a word.

"Oh, come on... Don't ignore me. I swear I'm a good guy!" and he brought his face closer to hers.

Too close for her tastes. Frida moved her face slightly, his breath smelled of vodka and some spice that escaped her at the moment "I'm sure of it".

"Can I buy you a drink?".

"No, thank you".

"Oh, come on. You're here, all alone, you need a nice drink with some company. What do you prefer?" he asked, rising from his stool and walking past her as he headed toward the bar.

"I really don't want to drink anymore. Thank you" Frida repeated to him in a serious tone, bored by that controlling attitude.

He narrowed his eyes at her and then nodded "Yes. You're a Martini type. I'll get you one, don't disappear, fairy!" and he walked away with a big smile on his face.

Frida watched him go away shocked and then she shook her head slightly, already trying to catch the gaze of her two friends to get away from there. That man would have been a bore and she already knew it.

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