That's me (part 1)

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This pilll is 99% the result of the encouragement and suggestions of the dear  lialyngstad  😃🌷 Thank you!

And thank you all for following this long long long work always with great enthusiasm and sweetness 🌷🌷


Benny's gaze remained fixed on the pages in front of him as his hands involuntarily clenched, crumpling the pages of the newspaper.

He bit the inside of his cheek and then sighed nervously, lowering the newspaper into his lap and resting an elbow on the chair he was sitting in, pursing his lips with one hand. He looked around the café where he was having breakfast, which now seemed as unappetizing as possible, and then picked up the newspaper again, more nervous than before.

There, prominently featured in the pages of a well-known local newspaper, was an article about his girlfriend, or so he thought, currently on tour in the opposite side of the country. He hadn't seen her for almost 3 weeks and in that moment she was with what was addressed by the journalist as "The perfect angelic face to pair up in work and in life with sweet Anni-Frid".

Benny snorted and shook his head, pointing his gaze again at the 3 photos depicting the two absolutely amused and accomplices.

He wasn't jealous. He never was and he never would be.

But he... Damn, he did want to punc that man.

When he had finally decided to have only one woman, a girlfriend! To be faithful, to be present, to be in lo---.

Benny shook his head and looked somewhere in the distance.

No. he wouldn't have completed that sentence because there was no need to think about it at that precise moment. And then, after all, they were still "nothing serious".

Yes, it was true, they were more or less in a relationship, but she was so... insecure. So uncertain about diving into a serious relationship with him. And it was truly a paradox that he was the one pushing for that with a woman, when he'd always been a guy who loved fun, liberty, who had never cared much about getting attached to anyone.

But she was... special. Since the very first day he had seen her... Wow... His mind had been totally focused on her... And then his heart had followed and from there... Well, farewell world...

But it was all so damn hard.

Every step forward with her was always followed by 20 steps back. When she told him that she needed something new, that there was an opportunity to travel for a while with a band of her friends and colleagues and that she'd like to go, he encouraged her to do it, that if it was what she needed at that moment, it certainly wouldn't have been him who would have hindered her.

But, God... It had hurt.

"Woah! Look at them!".

Benny jolted and turned around, finding Karius and Sule right behind him. Karius practically leaned on his shoulder to read the article.

"They seem to be very in tune".

Benny immediately closed the newspaper and put it aside "Mind your own business, Karius".

"Oh, oh, oh. Stay calm, Benny" the man replied, sitting next to him and taking out his pack of cigarettes "Don't snap at me".

Benny forcefully placed the newspaper on the coffee table and glared at him "I don't have to slap at you for what, exactly?".

Before Karius could answer, Sule patted Benny on the shoulder and sat down to his right "Hey, guys, calm down. We're here to have breakfast, not to start a fight club" he murmured sarcastically, taking the menu from the table.

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